Friday, June 3, 2011

sappy friday nights, whaaa

A beautiful thing is never perfect, I have to agree. Why should we walk around this world striving to be the best and hide all of our flaws when our flaws make us who we are. And who we are is one in a million.  Yes, many people are like us, but no one is us.  As I started to embark in my twenties I have realized many things.  Boys simply come and go, and their is love out there for you, you just have to be patient and enjoy all your free time with your girls.  When you least expect a boy to pop in your life, one will. And he sure will make you smile for a few months and then he wont and you will know he was not meant for you and it may be hard to accept that right away but it will get better.  My house I grew up in, or as Miranda Lambert would say it, the house that built me is up for sale now and already having someone come check out the beauty tomorrow.  Its very sad, but life goes on and we have to move forward.  My Dad is very upset about all of this, he just really isn't a positive person overall (but I still love him to death) so he is just bitter and that is OK. Just me and the bro find it very frustrating.  I'm in charge of staging the house, another words make it look hot so when people come and check it out their mouths will drop... yea that's a good way to put it! I just never thought in my whole twenty years, my first year would be the toughest. So it must get better right?? I HOPE SO.

For now I must enjoy everything and everyone in my life, the ones who mean the most.  Often times I find myself worrying about people and their thoughts on me, but why waste my time. They clearly don't deserve it.  I am so blessed with the love I feel each day but still often find myself feeling alone, selfish I know. But I am not perfect.  God has a better plan for me than I have for myself, so everything will flow together the way it should.  The sun has been shining lately so I must be thankful for that cause those who know me know that me and the sun are like BFFS and when it does not come out and play I tend to be crabby. I'm looking forward to the fun summer will bring and hope I can find some more happiness along the way. So self please forgive me for a bit while I get myself back together. Love me.


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