Sunday, June 12, 2011

the good life

The good life, I think I have it right now.  Being a new twenty something girl with the best friends I could ask for, a family who thinks the world about me and finding my purpose in this life and leaving all the miracles up to God. 

 Sometimes thinking about not having a boy bothers me, thoughts like am I not good enough often go through my brain.  But really its they are not good enough for me to keep them around.  All my best girls have boys and I wonder when it will be my turn.. its been three years for the love of shopping. Is that the plan? Must be, so that just means something awesome is in store and I just have to be patient my mother tells me.  She will begin dating soon and has a little bit already.. so she talks to me like I should be talking to her so its different but I'm OK with it right now.  She is my best friend and my mom and the greatest strongest women I know.  I just get crazy thinking about the time where I will be head over heels in love with a boy. And that he will feel that crazy way about me... I think it will happen HAHA listen to me... (pathetic) oh well :)

Road trip to school to visit everyone I have missed :)

I am in LOVE with this quote, because its so true.  We are just starting to enter the best years of our life and we should be SO excited and excited for each others happiness... when we all fall in love, get engaged, married, babies, moves and jobs... I cant wait to see where life takes us all.


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