Monday, February 28, 2011


Its such a lovely day out today, so there is no reason not to smile.  Just some thoughts I was thinking about and wanted to share.  It is always such a joy when you pass a total stranger who you have never seen before and may never see again, but for about 2 seconds you both share a smile that could last awhile. I enjoy sharing my smile with others I have never seen before.  Plus during these cold winter months sharing a smile can bring warmth inside you, like a nice cup of coffee does also.  A sweet text from a friend or a letter or an email from someone you are close to is always such a blessing in reminding us we are truly loved and we shall never forget it. So the picture above is true, everybody is someway can make a difference. And one smile a day can make someones else day.

enjoy today, and dont forget to smile XOXO

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