Wednesday, February 16, 2011

oh happy day

Today is just a great day so far. Not only is the sun shining but I feel like I'm on people minds today with all the unexpected phone calls and text.  Aunt Flow came this morning AKA (mother nature came) HA!  But that didn't stop me from enjoying my day today. My first class was cancelled awesome.  But dad sent me a lovely text this morning "have a good day love dad" his exact words. Which I just adore getting. The next was from a very good guy friend that read "have a good day women!" rarely do I hear from him and I never get a text like that. So another smile added to my face this morning.  My friend "M" called me out of the blue. We added the same school but she is older so I hardly see her and we have to much to catch up on! We set a date for next week to meet up. She is graduating in the Spring and I will miss her presence dearly next year and I wish her all the best in her future.  Me and the roommate are going to Caribou later today to work on homework which will be nice and relaxing because I have so much to do.  Today was just one of those days that I had many reasons to smile and be thankful for everyone and everything in my life. God please bless all the ones in my life today <3

Other things that make me smile:
(via weheartit)

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