Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Due to the days of zero rays of sunshine lately, I have come to find some of my own ray of sunshine :) this is no ordinary ray either. One could say very interesting and unique and also are the words to describe the way we met.  I'm not sure what to think about all of it because I have yet to meet him in person but the pictures on the "book" and the texting just brings light to my day as corny as that sounds. But its OK because I like corny.  He is a bit older or as he put it s "we have a bit of a generational gap between us" but age is just a number and people meet in the weird ways, right?!  I say the the unique stories of how people meet are the ones people will always remember.  So cheers to this new ray of sunshine and we will see how long the light will shine.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

pretty things

things that are pretty today:
( this is so beautiful, potential idea for my own wedding someday!)
(fall is one of my favorite seasons. one its my birthday month and also it has the best weather! )
(speechless. since I was a little girl I have wanted to at least visit a castle. someday I will make that happen)

(this is just pretttttty)

(best friends having fun in the summer, laughing, pure beauty. priceless)

(must own a pair like this some day (: (: )

(absoulty love botiques. you can always snatch something from them)

(this is just fun, intesting, and all over can make a girl think. but its pretty)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

hello world

Today my mind has been thinking a lot about all the places in the world I want to see, and how little I know about all the wonderful places out there.  What sparked the thought today is Oprah. I do admit I like to watch her show, and during her farewell season she is filming in the great Australia! One place I would love to visit someday.  I need to start writing down all the places I would like to step foot in so when the time comes I can start to cross them off.  New York is a place where I have been but would love to go back.  I guess I still have so many places to see in the USA I should start there instead of buying a passport to fly over seas HA.  But being in college makes me want that much more to focus on school so I will be able to achieve my goals and dreams that I want for myself and life.  Studying abroad is what they all say I should right? Well, yes but its all about the money which is sad to say and also I feel I have no one pushing me to the awesome adventure.  My dad would not be a fan of it what so ever and my mother, she doesn't seem thrilled about the opportunity I could have.
I love photography and would love to capture all those beautiful moments where I feel free as a bird.  Places like those make one smile when know one is around.  And I heard when you do that, you really mean it and are truly happy at that moment.  Along the way you meet some wonderful people, some you may never see again but they forever will have a memory within you.  All the movies that are out with young girls traveling to either find themselves, family, love or to run away for a bit. For me at this point in my life it would be to find myself, realize what I want in life and also to maybe find some love along the way.  And it doesn't have to be the love of a man... maybe a town, or an animal , or a family. Just some sort of love.  The person I want to marry though must want to embark on my wild dreams and want to go with me.  To have a passion of viewing things from another country, another place in this world.
(this will happen some day :) )
So I guess I should start with a list.  This list will remain here so I can always add to it or if I forget a place where my eyes need to see, it will be here. here we go:
  • New York
  • Every State in the US, so I could cross off a few more but they are boring, HA.
  • England
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Africa
  • Hatti
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • India
Well we can leave the list like that for now. Just a dream I have in my head so we will see if I can conqure this some day!

Monday, January 17, 2011

girl time

Hello there. I'm going to make this post about all the girl time I have been getting with my best girlfriends.  Being single always has it ups and downs, but a positive up for me is all the time I get to spend with my girls.  As I'm growing up I have come to realize how much you really them and all the effects they have on you as a person.  When I think of all my wonderful friends, not really any of them are alike... but in someway they are.  They all play different roles of friendship to me and I am ever so grateful.  I recently had a wonderful night with a girl who I have been friends with since 7th grade.  We have been through a lot together and its funny how well you can know someone after that long.  We sat in her pink room and had a lot of deep talks about the life we want, and the relationship we want with a significant other.  We shared a bottle of wine and watch Forever young. A very old movie with the young hot Mel Gibson. We were just being girls. Also a few days before that I sat in another dear friends room and we filled one another in on our lives, shared some of our dreams and got coffee together. Felt like High school all over again.

20 years from now, at our high school reunion, everyone will be catching up with old time friends and we`ll be laughing about something that happened yesterday.

Its true to say that "your college friends know who you are, but your high school friends know why" to me that makes sense more and more each time I read it.  Yes, I sometimes miss high school when all my friends could be together, but I also LOVE college.  I have made some lasting friendships with girls there and I could of not asked for better.  They get me also, but I sometimes feel they don't get why I'm that way and my high school girls do.  So I look at it like the best of both worlds that I have.  We always get so excited to come home where our roots are to spend time with one another and create more memories. And when that time is over with we are also excited to go back to school where we now belong and continue on our next chapter of our life.  I enjoy sending my girls cards in the mail (its always fun getting mail) and of course we can keep up with facebook and texting, sometimes an old fashion phone call fits in also.

I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can’t tell fast enough, the ears that aren’t big enough, the eyes that can’t take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.
-Jonathan Safran Foer

I'm 20 years old and think I have found all my brides maids. It makes me excited knowing that someday when I meet the right guy they will all be happy for me and they will grow to love him just as much as I do.  They will stand by me and enjoy my happiness as I will for them. Only a few of us have a boyfriend and some, including me are patiently waiting to mister right to come along. I learn from their relationships the good and the bad.  I know what I want and what I deserve.  I will never walk away from advice they may chose to give me and they are always asking me for some.  At this time In our life we must enjoy all of our girl time.  Its simply the best.  Its the friends that turn into family that will last forever.

I don't remember how we happened to meet each other.
I don't remember who got along with whom first.
All I can remember is all of us together...always.

It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."
(always remind your girls this one)

      Believe that love is out there. Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do. Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money, fame or power. sometimes happiness comes from good friends & family & the quiet nobility that you're living a good life. so take a look in that mirror & remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be. Believe that. & believe that dreams come true everyday. Because they do.

(I belive the copy and paste thing is what messed up the color font with the quotes and also most all of my pictures are from

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

country strong

I was able to spend the afternoon with a wonderful person, and since we both have a love for country, we decided to see Country Strong.  The movie was like one I have not seen in a long time and it was awesome. Yes, some tears were shed but that's normal to me when it comes to a great movie along with a love story in it.  All actors played an awesome role... and I must say a guy in a flannel is some eye candy for this girl.  I like them scrubby with facial hair, to me that's manly.  They sing awesome songs in the movie that are sung by previous country stars which made them exciting to here.  He is a new song that such a cute love song, ill probably listen to it for weeks until I have a new favorite.

such a cute love story told here... "you cant have both fame and love"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

fix it girl

Well today was a big eye opening day to say the least.  I had spent the night at my cousins house just so we could hang out and catch up.  She is only a year younger then me so we happen to be pretty close and I love the idea of being with family. We had a great day and evening.  So we sleep in (which always feels awesome) then get up get some grub to start the day fresh. I go out to wipe all the pretty snow off my car and to start it so it warms up.  The joys of living in the Midwest.  Where to start; well first I go to start the car and all I hear is "click click click" or something similar to that sound.  Thank goodness for dads who have a passion for working on cars.  With in a matter of seconds I was on the phone with him. Yup, you guessed it my car battery was dead. I forgot to mention that me and my cousin were the only ones home with not one male figure in site. Very sad.  Next plan was to bundle up and get this show on the road with all the help from a phone we could get.

It was time to put my big girl pants on. We got a hold of that battery charger and now needed to pop the hood so we could hook her up.  Well we could not find the button to pop the hood.  That got to be very frustrating and felt like 20 mins to find it. I had to do the panic call and call my brother while he was in class (he just laughed). Got it popped finally and put the red on the positive and the other clamp on the other. While attempting to do so found out my hood does not have something that holds it up. So felt like my arms were getting a work out also.  Too bad no one could of filmed this incident. After a hundred phone calls and few laughs and freezing outside, we let the little ghetto cruiser charge.  Waited about an hour and it was ready to go.  Don't worry I happened to capture a moment. See below.

(This I call the ghetto cruiser because It simply has no hubcaps on any of the four tires. But a college girl should not complain when all she has to do it put gas in it a few times.  It gets the job done)

One last downer I want to add to this horrible afternoon that involves my car.  I arrive at the gas station because this girl needs some gas to get home, since it takes a good 50 mins.  I pop open the cover of the gas to unscrew it and well, I cant get the thing off. (I think I may need to start building up the arm muscle more and be a more serious about it ) I think I sat there for a good 5 mins trying to get it off and of course looking like an idiot.   Luckily my dad phoned me again and I got to complain about another issue, poor him.  So I waited for the young man that was parked ahead of me to come out of the gas station to ask for help ( he was decently cute).  He came right on over and got it off for me.  I could tell it took a bit of muscle for him also.  I thanked him with a smile and went about my business, while laughing at myself.

In the end, got home safe and sound and am proud I know how to charge a battery if a car goes dead... or mine again for that matter since I didn't shut the head lights off... oopps.  If it were a flat tire or anything else... we would of had to call in for some back up.  May you all learn someday how to fix the issues that come with owning a car.  I'm going to get out in that garage my dad calls his castle and learn how.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

every women

I stumbled upon this a few months ago and highly believe it. Please read...

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who
lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't
take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year..."
Pamela Redmond Satran

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

my icons

Today I picked up Lauren Conrad's last book to her L.A. Candy series, Sugar and Spice.  The books are addicting and hard to put down. Rumor has it they are turning the books into a movie and ill be there opening night.  She is my first icon and I have loved her since Laguna and followed her onto the hills.  I love her style and her motivation to be the best she can without getting lost in all the fame. Me and my BFF(roommate) joke that I'm LC and she is Whitney... when really she could be ha! Also any magazine that LC is on is a must have...I love reading about her and all her advice she has to share about love and friendships.

Beautiful Lauren
Beautiful Whitney
And their friendship that is unbreakable

My second favorite would have to be Leighton Meester. And you all know her from Gossip Girl as the rich "B" or Blair.  But she is so awesome.  I also snagged the new Seventeen magazine because she is on the cover and always has insightful advice to share with readers.  She will be staring in a few upcoming movies like Country Strong, which I'm going see, even if I have to see it alone.  In her article of seventeen she talks a lot about how she has dealt with relationships and love... let me share with you.

this is the cover
(I just loved this picture of her)
Two of her main quotes share are... (which really apply to my life at this moment as well)

"I don't want to pursue someone at all- I want someone to pursue me"

"I don't give away my heart too easily. So when you get hurt, its tough"

We all have our favorite icons that we look up to for their fashion, their careers, and how they chose to live their life; all over the tabloids or create something for them self.  Both of these women always have something so inspiring to share. I admire that they are not perfect and dont choose to be.  They feel joy and hurt just the way you and I do. So just thought I would share who my icons are and few things I enjoy about them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

little miss

I heard this song on the radio today while running errands for my mother.  I just think this song says a lot and describes moments in my life.  A great song to blare in the car now, thank you sugarland!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011

Goodbye 2010.  When I think of this past year, not to many joys jump out at me.  It was a struggle and I felt a lot of hurt.  I believe I have lost friendships that will never be the same due to the selfishness of the other person.  I have been disappointed in people one to many times to count. I thought they were turning me into a better person, but really I was simply under a spell.  With all the hurt, I did find out more about myself, and that I am a stronger person because of it all.  Only being a sophomore in college I know I am young and have a big life ahead of me still, so why I do I feel like I want it all now?  We are suppose to enjoy all our moments each day and not fret about the past or worry about the future (which I do all the time).  I need to know it is in Gods hands, he knows my path and I'm suppose to enjoy my day today.  I have a hunch that this year will be a better year.  2009 was a wonderful year, where I met my best friends who I will call my bridesmaids someday, where I closed one chapter and started and new one, and where I met a boy who still gives me butterflies.  So it could just skip a year huh?  Being 20, I feel I have to focus so much about the serious stuff and not take the time to enjoy myself for who I am.  I have to constantly work for my future all the time, and it is so tiring. I guess its apart of growing up. But so far, I rang in the new year right.  Had my two amazing best friends to share the night with, had a midnight kiss and countless laughs and pictures that will remind me how wonderful my life is and the people that are in it. 
Some resolutions I think I should make for myself here:

Be Healthy
I want to be in shape.  I need to shed pounds to feel better about myself and keep working out part of my everyday schedule.  Also eat healthy.  Yes, junk is ok.  But its all about the portions, and I'm going to try and keep them small!

The Future
I some how make my mind spin about the future constantly.  I need to not rush things and joy me. My age the place I'm at in my life right now and the people around me.  Focus on the year ahead of me and all the my goals I want to reach instead of ten years from now.

Be Me
I'm a huge giver, that is just who I am.  But over the past year I feel its not so much appreciated and its hurtful.  I need to accept that I'm unique and I like it that way.  I don't care what others think about me, but I have come to realize I care what they think about my thoughts... or things I believe in.  And I'm too afraid I think to stand up for that, its frustrating.  We were all born to stand out.

I need to know who I can trust and who I cant.  Its true some people come into our lives and only stay for so long, and when they leave we are either left with a lesson learned good or bad.  Some come and make footprints in our heart and love us inside and out for who we are.  I need to stop trying to please everyone, and stop putting effort into the ones that don't care, its painful and cause unhappiness.  Ill continue to pray about this.