Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Blogger

Hello to the friends that I am writing to, but simply don't have yet.  I am becoming more and more inspired with all the thoughts, dreams and everyday hectic life schedules you all have been sharing.  Since becoming a new blogger, I'm still on the shy side and will share all my feelings and emotions and show you who I am, without showing you me. If that makes sense?  I started this blog, well I wanted to start one when I felt it was hard to be happy with the things that were going on in my life.  It was constant stress and tears.  I am no where close to being perfect, because I am human.  I have so many emotions and feelings about things I tend to keep bottled up unless I feel they need to be shared.  I am constantly thinking about my future and what lies ahead when I should be focusing on the present.  I have a wonderful family and couldn't ask for better girl friends.  If you continue to read down, you will see I have no love in my life.  Yes I am young and have time, but it has been quiet sometime since I have felt it.  During the Holidays its a bit rough seeing all my friends get treated like a princess, and I am so happy for them.  I then think to myself how much I am looking forward to that happiness I will feel someday.  I'm what my friends call me a "quote whore" and I tend to talk in quotes sometimes... which I guess is true since I can usually pull one out on what ever the occasion.  I love to share pictures on here... not of me yet or the things I do in my life.  But I still hope you will enjoy what I write, and maybe you will feel what I am feeling also.  I find in this blog world that I am not alone.  Someone else is going through struggles just like I am. May we never judge one another.  I guess ill leave on that note. May you all have a very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well, tonight I start the mark of my five weeks off for Christmas break.  I'm one of my only friends who has this long of a break so its sort of a down fall and by the fifth week I'm ready to head back.  So much has changed since this time last year.. my feelings towards things and people is what has changed most.  I view my friendships as one of the most important things right now in my life.  If it weren't for them and their uplifting spirits I may be one lonely girl.  Just like any relationship the simplest things are the big things, and when you don't see a friend very often because of hectic schedules and busy lives... a text or card can make a day.

I am a very different person and all my friends call me weird, but I like to refer to myself as unique or different, but in a good way.  I don't care what others think of me, I love the way I am and people love me for that.  I crack stupid jokes, I sing, but I'm horrible, I shout cause my voice is the only one that seems to carry, I'm confidant and sometimes make the first move which I'm sick of, and the list can just go on.  But that just makes me stand out so I can make my mark in peoples lives and sometimes change them for the better.  The boys who I use to date still to this day after years will facebook me or text me and try to apologize for how rude they were and sorry for hurting me.  I'm clearly over it and they were not worth the tears and hurt I felt, so its irritating but I guess nice at the same time.  Some of them even try to hang out again... no thanks that ship has long sailed and we are moving on to bigger and better things.  It sucks though because when I do have feelings for someone, the tend to linger around for at least six months after the relationship ended and its no fun.  I wont discuss the feelings I have now, but there is someone out there.
This past year... I guess I can kinda do a little recap but I have witnessed what you thought may have been a real friend, and who your real friends are. Friendship like I said before is very important to me, you can not just be content with all of them you have, that's how you lose friends.  You have to talk to them weekly and let them know the big things and the littlest things and how your world would not be the same if they were not in it.  Sometimes I don't feel appreciated for what I all do, but that's why I'm different cause I go over and beyond and that's just the way I am.  I'm first few months back at college I cried a few times a week.  Feeling lost, alone, and my heading always spinning.  Just over analyzing things that should just be left.  Life does not stop for anyone, no matter the cricumstance.  So we must pray, pray for guidance and understanding, and learn the hurt and the happiness.  I'm in my 20's and the bigger world is fastly catching up to me and I have so much more to learn about life.  Continue to stay with me on my journey.

Monday, December 13, 2010

finals week

Well its finals week, which means ill probably smell due to the fact a shower will be hard to fit in the daily schedule.  Ill look like a walk zombie cause the sleeping hours will be messed up and it may just be a chance to shed some pounds because it will be hard thinking about food with everything that needs to get done!  I'm sitting in a local coffee shop that is super cute working on my note card for tomorrow.  Sipping on a late and listening to Christmas music.  After this week is over ill be on my way home for much need wrapping and resting.  Ill be able to get much needed family and friend time with the ones I love most back home.  One of my bestest and dearest friends will be returning from Tennessee and that is one gift that will truly be priceless this Christmas season.

I'm so excited for Christmas... I could go on and on. But I think its because I love to give and I think I did some major scoring on gifts this year and I cant wait to give them!  This past weekend we had a huge blizzard, snow was everywhere and you could hardly see across the street.  But along with that it brought negative temperatures, so my face almost always feels like I got botox because I cannot move it.  So its safe to say its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

purse whore

My main obsession is purses.  I will splurge on a purse.  But since I'm still in college, that means one simple thing; I have no money.  But a girl can dream cant she?  So I have been looking through pictures finding all the brands and styles I want to own someday.  I currently am carrying a Carmel bag from H&M, since my stylish roommate says that's one of the colors right now and I don't own one.  I can not own a small bag.  I like everything big.  Some of my friends don't understand, but when you carry something everyday and everywhere you go, you must love what you are showing off.
So I know most of these bags are more for spring and summer but I just love them. Juicy, Coco, Louie... all friends I want on my shoulder someday. 

While sitting here, I'm not a huge fan of this post since outside at the moment a beautiful snow fall is occurring.  Its just getting me more and more excited for Christmas to be here.  But no one can go wrong when it comes to looking at cute bags.  So I will leave with that today, and post more festive things in the future. So ill add this perfectly snowy picture also.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Being in a town where there is no Starbucks I often get withdrawals.  Its the perfect place to meet and friend or lover during the holiday season.  Its a cup of joy that can bring a smile to your face, well it does for me anyway.  I found a few pictures of holiday cheer I would like to share with you. Enjoy today. XOXO
Have a cup of Christmas cheer today!

Monday, December 6, 2010

the most wonderful time of the year

Christmas is my favorite holiday.  Its the season that is filled with love and the surrounding of family.  Its the season where others come before yourself and searching for the perfect gift is such a joy. And someday I will spend a Christmas in New York. Most likely when I'm in love.
This is beautiful

A favorite holiday must have

I'm in love with the hustle and bustle

I'll be there someday

The season of love

The greatest gift this year for me is being with my friends. They bring me so much joy and happiness. One of my best friends will becoming home from school in Tennessee and I haven't seen her since July. Because at Christmas, all roads lead home.
He is the reason for the season. Remember. Celebrate his Birthday too.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Being single always has its ups and downs. Not having a significant other for almost two years now I have really found more of myself I never knew and things I really do wish for in a guy.  Most of my happiest moments are not with a guy, so many of them are with my girlfriends.  They have been my crying shoulder and the ones I lean on when things get tough.  They also sit and listen to all my dreams, hopes and goals. I find myself often thinking about that one person someday who will complete me and love me inside and out for who I am.  But for now, I will not settle nor strive for attention from guys.  I am in love with life itself, and the people who are in it. I have yet to feel the unconditional love from another human being.
I want you to hold my hand and never let go
The magic of Christmas; the turquoise box
Never give up on the things you love, and the things that make you smile when no one else is looking.  The little things that make you laugh, and the boy that gives you butterflies.  For one day you will wake up to the person who fought for your love and never gave up on you, he believed in you and the beauty of your dreams.  And all the silly things you cried over before and the ones who broke your heart more than once; they will be nothing more then blur. Do you believe in magic?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

retail therapy

The other day me and my roommate decided we needed, well I need to have some therapy.  So we decided to go shopping, something that we are  masters at.  It was mostly for all our loved ones that mean the most to us this holiday season, but it never hurts to buy something little for yourself. We had a blast and thought that our day was wonderful.  It sure helps to have a great friend in life.  Today I'm finding out its hard to trust people with all your thoughts and feelings.  And you only want to make an effort to stay in someones life if they prove they want you in theirs.  As you grow up its the real friends that matter and you want them to share all your happiness with you, and there is nothing more that they would rather do.
its always better with a best friend

one shoe can change your life

cheers to the cute little finds

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

to my true friend

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."