Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Carrie always has the best lines

I'm looking forward to this week to be over. The amount of stress, anxiety and emotions can go away. Its as almost as if its eating parts of me I cant control and I am not ok with that. God has been hearing everything. He laughs at our plans, so I hope this is his plan for me. The past is the past. It has shaped who I am today and in my eyes made me a stronger and better person. I over think things ALL the time and put thoughts into my head that no one is even thinking... I guess that's the girl in me, but it needs to stop. I am working on that right now, my boyfriend wishes upon that as well. Sometimes its so hard being a girl, or at least having people understand what being a girl means.
Some of me dear friends are breaking up, not knowing if a relationship is right for them, finding a new relationship and falling in love. Its amazing the support you have from so others when all you want to do is cry. Things happen in life, and we have to let them happen. Let them help shape us and not figure out why it did happen, but accept. Though we are very emotional, we are strong as shit as well. (sorry for swear word) but its true. We have the power to take control of a situation and change our mood and our attitude.
As I'm sitting here enjoying a diet fountain pop and listening to Taylor Swifts 22 song, my mood just makes me smile. Thinking of all my best friends I have in this world and Gods love. Everything will be ok and I will just enjoy this moment and what ever happens, happens.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I latte you

A dear friend and I explore yesterday before starting our last day of school :) It was lovely. We are really good at adventure taking and indulging in coffee!
We ended high school together and now we are going to end college together as well. So thankful for her friendship and the time we get to spend together.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Minnesota Cold!

Photo: Midwest girls!!
Classic mirror pic of course :)
New Couple :)
Tomorrow marks the last semester of my college career! Where has all the time gone? I have countless amount of memories made and last friendships that I will never forget. My mother was right, college is one of the best four year vacations you will ever have.  I am looking forward to all the bittersweet changes that are going to come along this semester!
Today, its -9 degrees. Talk about your face feeling like botox when you step outside! This weekend was just as cold but we went out anyway! Accessorized with some scarfs and thankfully found a ride to each place.
I'm very proud to announce that one of my best friends, the beautiful Blondie above has a BOYFRIEND!! In all the three years I have know her and the almost two years we have lived together, she got her self a good one :) He also happens to be my boyfriends brother. Funny how God works in our lives sometimes. I am so very excited for the both of them and cant wait to see what God has in store for us all!
Happy Monday :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Photo: Drinking wine while doing homework because we can :)
Photo: getting distracted way to easily
Yesterday was an off day and so many wonderful things happened on a Monday of all days!
I did not have class so spent some time at caribou working on a paper till my boyfriend called me. He had a break and wanted to take me out to lunch in the short time that we had. A keeper in my eyes. While he was looking studly, I was rocking the sweats but he still digs me anyway :)
During lunch my brother called me! He never calls first. I had to answer and he was just on his way back from class and wanted to tell me about his day. He is growing up to be a great young man.
The photos above of are me and one of my roommates. She also has a win term class so we decided to go to a fun cafe here in town and work on homework. Its such a unique place to be. It was almost 3 in the afternoon and I wanted to get wine. So I did :)
Its the little moments and experiences that we will be able to look back on together and remember the time we spent together.
I'm just doubting myself and stressing about things I have no control over. My emotions I guess I can control, but sometimes a girl just needs to cry and feel sad. I just need to remember that my main guy upstairs is in control and is also rooting for me down here on this earth. With that, I found this quote in my devotional on the day my beau asked me to be his girl. A remember why I need to put all my trust in God.
Quit questioning Him and start trusting Him. Just know that God is in control. He has your best interest at heart. Trust him to direct your steps and to cause you to be right where you need to be at just the right time

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

cant think of a title for this one

Pinned Image
I'm back in my little sunshine home and I am going to enjoy all my days here since I only have about 6 months left with the best roommates ever.
After a few days of missing my man, we got to have a little date. Nothing special but the little things are the big things. We rented the movie I have been wanting to see, The odd life of Timothy Green. Its super cute if you want to seeing an inspiring Disney movie. The little boy in their just captured my heart with the heart that he had. The way he was just a positive influence in peoples lives was heartwarming. It made me think of my future career that I want with children, to believe in them. A child can touch someones life with a sentence and I hope to be touched by many students one day.

I guess I have been just emotional lately. Big changes are about to unwind in the next few months and there is no button to push to stop and reflect all that has happened and that will happen. Its joyful and stressful at the same time. I mean my mother here's about every emotion I feel and my girlfriends along with my mom are my counselors and ears I don't have to pay for. The boyfriend is now in my life too, I have always been pretty independent and good about sharing my feelings but lately I just wanted to be strong on my own, not to have someone feel all the feelings I have been feeling.

The poor boy burns the candle at both ends, but after moodiness, tears, raised voice to some extent he listened. I felt a lot better, but I know we still have a lot to work on as a couple.

I have been reading some great devotionals lately and they have fit with the feelings I have been feeling. Just talking to God helps, speaking out loud helps, and remembering all the blessings in my life help me get back to where my brain needs to be!


Friday, January 4, 2013

a ME day

I am having a ME day.. I love doing things on my own but also with others too. But when I am on my own I really get to reflect how wonderful my life is and the people that are in it.
I'm in the town that my mother works in and I am revisiting a cafe that I think is adorable. Turns out they have the best Chai Tea I have ever tasted and a panini that is mouth watering. I brought a long the book I am reading, Safe Haven, Nicholas Sparks can always make me cry and I hope he can in this book as well! The movie comes out in February and looks great!
I took a few pictures of this place because its that cute. I sent them all to the boy along with " now you can pretend your with me" HA he isn't a coffee drinking but said he can always order a hot cocoa :)
I miss him and liking A LOT more.
I also miss my dear best friend who lives all the way in Tennessee. She is suppose to be home this time of year but isn't. So now this year it will be once a year I get to see her. We some how figured it out how to be the best of friends for the last four years 19 hours away. She is in LOVE now... GASP! So excited for her :)
We enjoy doing nothing together and the one person that supports sweats as much as I do. I am so thankful for our friendship and plan on visiting that sweet town of Nashville this summer... already looked into Grey Hound prices.
We are each others biggest dorks and we wouldnt want it any other way!

HELLO 2013

( sitting in Starbucks writing this post, the joy, the smell, the taste of a coffee shop)
I could not have learned more about myself in 2012. Instead of writing paragraphs Ill just bullet point it, knowing my ill just start to ramble and then none of it will make any sense.
  • Lived in my first house and had my first real bill
  • Became closer to God who helped me through so much
  • Fell in Love with someone and had my heart broken. But I learned so much from that experience and I am forever grateful for him.
  • Developed new friendships and also continued to water the best ones I already have.
  • Sold the house I grew up in, bittersweet.
  • Grew more confidence in myself and understanding where I am right now is where I am suppose to be.
  • Hard work really does pay off!
  • Figuring out grad school stuff, GAH apps are due in a month!
  • Met another great boy, one I could see myself with for awhile but we will see what God has in store :)
  • Learning to be a better daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend and student.
I am not one hundred percent sure what my new year goals will be, that post will come later! For now I'm going to enjoy the last few days at home before I head back to school. Big prayers for the Grad School process!