Tuesday, March 6, 2012

living the crazy life

My life has been everything crazy lately.  Really feeling the big girl life finally in my junior year of school. Do I like it? I am not sure about that yet.  I finally found a job that will benefit me and my psychology degree someday, and I am enjoying it. I also am volunteer at a mentoring center, which I may have stated before. But I now have a new boy to mentor who is in middle school, lets hope he doesn't have too much attitude.

I am loving my classes still and enjoy doing the work in them.  Finally I feel on fire to do well, and be the best student I can this semester to get my GPA up.  Its crazy to think that I'm half way done with my college career unless I chose to pursue grad school.  That is a whole different story so we will just leave it at that.

Thinking about not being to hang out with all the friends I made here also scares a bit.  The strong friendships we all have, so blessed to have such wonderful friends who made this college life that much more enjoyable.  Why am I talking like that, we still have a lot of celebrating to do. Mind must not enter that area yet.

I am also loving my boyfriend more and more. Which is also something that is scary to think about.  Depending on someone other than myself for happiness and safety.  May God give  me the answers to all the questions I will have with this man in the future. I am so thankful for him and thankful for our relationship.  Couldn't be better.

My parents are also doing much better individually.  I just wish them pure happiness.  I wish them sense of peace and harmony in their life.  I often still have to give all my strength when talking to them about certain things and making decision that involve spending equal time with them.  I don't think that will ever get easy.  Its been a year now since I heard the news that changed my life dramatically. 
I am taking a class about divorce families and I can relate to everything. Its so bizarre.  Also, more than half the class comes from divorce families.  How is that going to help our generation when we are picking our life partner?  When things get tough you forget about why you fell and love and chose the easy way, divorce?  I just pray I find the one for forever.

Spring break is right around the corner but lucky me ill be staying at school working and hanging with a cool cat.  Literally a cat. Harper May The Pest.  That's not her real name but sometimes it is.  My dear friend is on the beach in Hawaii. We wont talk about that either.

Happy Tuesday!
Its beautiful outside, I'm going to enjoy it!

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