Saturday, March 31, 2012

few fabulous things

My brothers graduation! I cant believe he is going to graduate. Where did the time go. I am so unbelievably proud of the man he is coming. I'm so thankful for a brother and the relationship we have. I cant wait to see what God has in store for him!
Cutest little boy ever, The famous Logan from One Tree Hill. I cant get enough of him. Thank goodness there is  a two hour finale on Wednesday. I'm forever grateful for this show.

My cute boyfriend is sleeping. Id love to get a shot but he is facing the wall, weird huh?  He thought it would be cute to come knocking on my door at 4am this morning. Yup, he is a keeper. I'm craving some donuts and coffee. Wish my love would wake up so we can indulge in some of that. So glad its Saturday today. Sleeping in is simply the best medicine ever.

We have about a month and a half of school left. Where on earth did the time go?! I have no clue. Freaks me out with all the stuff that is due coming up.  But I am so ready for summer.  This summer I hope will be wonderful, but I know also emotional. Ill take it by storm.  I got the best friends in the world and best relationships. Thanking God always.

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