Wednesday, March 28, 2012

spring has sprung

 Loving this spring weather in March! Finally found a pair of pretty spring pants that fit and look good! I always have a problem finding jeans because my body type is so odd.  Last weekend we celebrated my roommates 21st and it was a blast.  The pictures with a drink are at this Mexican restaurant and it looked as if we were on vacation! It was great.

I have my summer figured out for what I will be doing job wise which is a big relief. I will be nannying for a different family this summer and also working some weekends with the job I have now with the cognitive disability women.  My goal is to make money, memories and have this summer be less stressful. I also hope I can see my wonderful boyfriend as much as our time allows us too.  Starting long distance will be a challenge but I know we both make it work.  I love him so much, I don't see my future with out him.

Cheers to Spring

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