Wednesday, June 29, 2011

north country

Summer time has hit us once again in the Midwest with temps up in the 80's and I LOVE it! I love laying out and going to the beach and being out on the boat.  That's what summer is all about, and of course the bonfires and the friends that make it perfect.  Last night my brother wanted to go wake boarding so we did :) I love taking pictures and I can actually wake board myself, butt I decided to be the photographer last night.  Thank goodness he has a sister who likes to take pictures of him HAHA... he hates it.
Jumping in
Massive air... then fell HAHA
Dad and I :)
Brother and I at the end of the night :)

Newest fav song and its about Minnesota... the home state :)
Enjoy the wonderful weather!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

he didnt kiss me!

So, my week has been stressed to the max. School, work, Mary Kay, family and friends.. the one thing that kept me smiling was a "new" boy who was saying way to sweet of words I thought I would never here!  He goes to my school, which is a PLUS because I have never dated anyone that really lives close to me.. not saying we are dating BUT if we did we would be close :) he is a bit different then what I usually go after but he is tall, plays basketball, and it cute but blonde.. (I like tall, dark and handsome) he lacks on the dark HA! 

But I will tell you, he took me on his boat, took me to dinner with his sister and her boy, bought me dinner and our dairy queen after, opened my doors and made me smile.  He was nervous and shy because he didn't show much affection towards me... which was different and I really wanted him too!  But its OK, we have things to look forward to now :)  A cute moment we did have was in the boat we were going fast.. 65 MPH fast may I add.  It was also sprinkling and I was getting pelted with rain so I put on his sweatshirt he gave me and the hood also (hellooo, the hair cannot get ruined) and he swerved, which can be scary! So when he did that I always gave him a look then smiled and laughed.  He then told me "you have a beautiful smile" which made me smile again. Too cute. 

Moral of the story it was a great time, but different. Perhpas the kiss next time :) I brought it up because it surprised me and he said he was shy when it came to those things, so thats alright! A more traditional date which is just fine.  He made breakfast for me and was waiting on the table when I got up.  I think there will be another one, but we will have to wait and see :)!

On to the night before, I had a little gathering at my house with my dear friend from school and my hometown girls, and some other friends... we had a good night but the "gathering" got a bit hectic and never again will I host HAHA

US girls :)

Kate and I a few weekends before!
My brother and two of my best friends, what a stud :)


Monday, June 20, 2011

weekend fun!

This weekend, or should I say past two weeks have just been busy busy.  I have no time to just sit and relax or reflect on emotions that are going on my brain!  But I got to spend sometime with people this weekend who truly mean so much to me.  Friday night I was at school, I really just went to get a book for my summer class, but why not just stay the night right? So I did.

Lots of good songs, had to dance of chairs to!

Love you so much Tay!

Also this weekend, stopped to see Jaime. Another wonderful women who has come into my life this year and we share so much with the lives we have right now. It was her brothers grad party so it was a perfect time to look cute and celebrate great friends :)

Few more things I need to say about my crazy two weeks:

1. I am no a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!! I know, its really different but I think I can be good at this and I am having so much fun right now and meeting lots of new people! So I'm excited to see how far I can go!

2.  I have this new boy... I'm excited about it but also a bit nervous. He is 24 but actually goes to school where I am.  I thought he was cute last year and this summer the moves just started to be made LOL we are going on a date this Saturday and its being consisted of fishing, going out to eat, and perhaps the movie transformers! He seems very sweet and flirty so we will just see what happens :)

3. A lot of tears have been shed lately. This divorce can be so hard at times and all I can do is cry because its so sad.  battling all my feelings and trying to be strong at the same time. Accepting I can not change things and leaning on God to help make all of our paths straight in the sad time.  I know things will get better, but the love will never change and someday everything will be OK again.  It has to be.

Blessed Monday,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the good life

The good life, I think I have it right now.  Being a new twenty something girl with the best friends I could ask for, a family who thinks the world about me and finding my purpose in this life and leaving all the miracles up to God. 

 Sometimes thinking about not having a boy bothers me, thoughts like am I not good enough often go through my brain.  But really its they are not good enough for me to keep them around.  All my best girls have boys and I wonder when it will be my turn.. its been three years for the love of shopping. Is that the plan? Must be, so that just means something awesome is in store and I just have to be patient my mother tells me.  She will begin dating soon and has a little bit already.. so she talks to me like I should be talking to her so its different but I'm OK with it right now.  She is my best friend and my mom and the greatest strongest women I know.  I just get crazy thinking about the time where I will be head over heels in love with a boy. And that he will feel that crazy way about me... I think it will happen HAHA listen to me... (pathetic) oh well :)

Road trip to school to visit everyone I have missed :)

I am in LOVE with this quote, because its so true.  We are just starting to enter the best years of our life and we should be SO excited and excited for each others happiness... when we all fall in love, get engaged, married, babies, moves and jobs... I cant wait to see where life takes us all.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

summer is finally here

SUMMER is here.  The last three days I have been in the sun and also in the water and couldn't love it more.  Some friends of mine live on the lake and its always awesome when you know people cause you can get out there on the blazing hot summer days like its been lately and get your tan on! Above is me (obvi) and a dear good friend.  We were on the lake all day yesterday and it was so hot because there was not even a breeze!  But with not working yet, I have had a lot of free time to do whatevs with no money really, do that has been a downer.  But anyhoo, welcome summer :)

Above here are two little angels who I get to start watching again on Thursday.  This will be my third summer with them and I am so excited!  They will be 7 and 9 now. Oh boy. They are such great kids and are SO funny, I always have stories about them.  We do so much together too so I cant wait to see what summer has in store for us!

Best get out and get my tan on again :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

sappy friday nights, whaaa

A beautiful thing is never perfect, I have to agree. Why should we walk around this world striving to be the best and hide all of our flaws when our flaws make us who we are. And who we are is one in a million.  Yes, many people are like us, but no one is us.  As I started to embark in my twenties I have realized many things.  Boys simply come and go, and their is love out there for you, you just have to be patient and enjoy all your free time with your girls.  When you least expect a boy to pop in your life, one will. And he sure will make you smile for a few months and then he wont and you will know he was not meant for you and it may be hard to accept that right away but it will get better.  My house I grew up in, or as Miranda Lambert would say it, the house that built me is up for sale now and already having someone come check out the beauty tomorrow.  Its very sad, but life goes on and we have to move forward.  My Dad is very upset about all of this, he just really isn't a positive person overall (but I still love him to death) so he is just bitter and that is OK. Just me and the bro find it very frustrating.  I'm in charge of staging the house, another words make it look hot so when people come and check it out their mouths will drop... yea that's a good way to put it! I just never thought in my whole twenty years, my first year would be the toughest. So it must get better right?? I HOPE SO.

For now I must enjoy everything and everyone in my life, the ones who mean the most.  Often times I find myself worrying about people and their thoughts on me, but why waste my time. They clearly don't deserve it.  I am so blessed with the love I feel each day but still often find myself feeling alone, selfish I know. But I am not perfect.  God has a better plan for me than I have for myself, so everything will flow together the way it should.  The sun has been shining lately so I must be thankful for that cause those who know me know that me and the sun are like BFFS and when it does not come out and play I tend to be crabby. I'm looking forward to the fun summer will bring and hope I can find some more happiness along the way. So self please forgive me for a bit while I get myself back together. Love me.


Thursday, June 2, 2011


So, clearly summer has started because I have been on the run a lot lately. Too much to where I want to do nothing and watch movies. The main reason is one of the besties was only home for a short time so we had to throw in a million things into two weeks. No worries she will be back in July! ( month break, whew)  Others odds and ends, two of my roommates next year have already moved in to our little house!! That is so exciting and I am patiently waiting my turn HAHA also, my roommate, old one yes, but we still call her the roommate started moving her stuff in too.  I think its safe to say we are big girls now!! Here are some photos that will help explain the funness :)

 Scotti and I on the four-wheeler!
 mama and baby :)
 Gone fishing!!
 Aunti and Ava at the Zoo
My brother and I
Looking at the Seals at the Zoo
A night in the cities!
The two best guys in my life
Famous head tilt!