Monday, February 28, 2011


Its such a lovely day out today, so there is no reason not to smile.  Just some thoughts I was thinking about and wanted to share.  It is always such a joy when you pass a total stranger who you have never seen before and may never see again, but for about 2 seconds you both share a smile that could last awhile. I enjoy sharing my smile with others I have never seen before.  Plus during these cold winter months sharing a smile can bring warmth inside you, like a nice cup of coffee does also.  A sweet text from a friend or a letter or an email from someone you are close to is always such a blessing in reminding us we are truly loved and we shall never forget it. So the picture above is true, everybody is someway can make a difference. And one smile a day can make someones else day.

enjoy today, and dont forget to smile XOXO

Saturday, February 26, 2011

dear diary

Happy weekend it has been so far. Minus the snow that is coming down again and preventing Spring from sprouting.  A wonderful thing about being in college is all the girls you will ever need are right down the hall from you. Each providing some sort of advice in every situation possible.  But then there is that other person who is a not a female figure who you sometimes tend to ramble about and smile when you think of the cute things he has said to you or the moments you have shared together.  I have been having that problem a lot lately and I'm not even DATING the guy yet... well I should say not "officially" dating him.  Its a funny story how we met, but we were complete strangers and now have become very close over the last five weeks we have been talking.  We also have hung out 3 times and each time I don't want it to end, so that says something right?  I could see myself with this boy but its fun not knowing what is going to happen about I also think it is about time we bring up the "what are we" talk before I explode.  We both have two different lives since he is 4 years older and it would always be a long distance relationship, but it will just make the heart grow fonder. So I'm just rambling on about ridiculous things but I am a girl so I think that makes it OK HAHA. Plus this blog is a diary for me to look back and reflect on my life's years from now and see how much I have grown as a person. Ill sign out with that.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

dear Spring

So far today about 10 inches have hit the ground in the state of Wisconsin that I currently living in since I attend school here.  We are all hoping and praying for a SNOW DAY tomorrow.  A lot of the city University are canceled so hopefully ours will be also.  So tonight Spring is on my mind.  I enjoy my weekend home visiting with my family and being in my home town again.  Brings back so many memories that I share with so many important people in my life that I wouldn't change for the world. Now I have found some inspiration pictures (via weheartit) to help spring come a little faster hopefully.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

oh happy day

Today is just a great day so far. Not only is the sun shining but I feel like I'm on people minds today with all the unexpected phone calls and text.  Aunt Flow came this morning AKA (mother nature came) HA!  But that didn't stop me from enjoying my day today. My first class was cancelled awesome.  But dad sent me a lovely text this morning "have a good day love dad" his exact words. Which I just adore getting. The next was from a very good guy friend that read "have a good day women!" rarely do I hear from him and I never get a text like that. So another smile added to my face this morning.  My friend "M" called me out of the blue. We added the same school but she is older so I hardly see her and we have to much to catch up on! We set a date for next week to meet up. She is graduating in the Spring and I will miss her presence dearly next year and I wish her all the best in her future.  Me and the roommate are going to Caribou later today to work on homework which will be nice and relaxing because I have so much to do.  Today was just one of those days that I had many reasons to smile and be thankful for everyone and everything in my life. God please bless all the ones in my life today <3

Other things that make me smile:
(via weheartit)

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines day

Happy Valentines Day to you all! Yes, some of us hate it and some of us go crazy about this holiday.  For me this year I'm in the happy medium.  Last year I spent it alone in my dorm room watching Hallmark channel while all my girls were out with their loved ones. But this year luckily it falls on a Monday where I must get up and attend classes.  I do however have a Valentine this year. Its that sunshine I have mentioned in a previous post. But fortunately I will not be seeing him today. So I will do things that just make me happy.  I handed out my homemade valentines and the girls loved them.  Also, my I advised my brother to buy this girl who he been talking to and thinks is cute to buy her flowers for today.  No girl needs to have a boyfriend in order for him to buy her flowers. He got her pink rose and I bet that smile has not left her face today.  I'm very excited to see what all my girlfriends will be getting from their boys today and the nice dinner dates they are all going on; ughhh must be rough HEHE. But seriously excited.

I do believe we do not need this holiday to show someone how much we care and appreciate them in our lives.  It should be an every day occurrence, but its fun to have this day come once a year.  Where stores, and malls are filled with the colors pink and red for all the lovers around the world.  Maybe next weekend me and "B" that's what we will call him can celebrate it then. Ill bring him a homemade card just because I think he deserves one. So Happy Valentines day and may today bring you smiles and colors or pink and red surround you.

Now for some Valentine Treats :)
(via weheartit)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This picture I think is the perfect fit for today.  It is negative temperatures outside and I'm sick.  Sometimes I put it as " I feel like I just came out of a dumpster" because I feel so gross and weak all over. That's where my mother would come into play with some soup and some TLC. But since I'm a college student now I can only tell her how I feel and she just reminds me of how to take care of myself like she has done my whole life. I wish I could bundle at home with my fire place on and getting rid of this cold that is causing me to be blue all week

Valentines day is just around the corner and I have been busy making all my homemade Valentines for my friends and family. Some will be sent in the mail others, simply slipped under their dorm door.  I take joy in making things for the special people in my life.   My roommate made a delicious pot of coffee this morning that warmed our souls right up!  Tonight agenda calls for staying in and watching some chick flicks... no need to go out and make this cold last longer.  I may or may not have a Valentine this year. Though I do have a new boy in my life, I want to take things slow and I do not expect anything from him.  My roommate got a wonderful package from her man and it was so fun to see her open it with a glow all over her face.  So if my valentine wishes to do something I will simply enjoy it.  But for now I will just focus on sending my love in a little valentines day card to the ones who complete my life <3

Monday, February 7, 2011

hello monday

We all deserve the happily ever after... though it will not always be easy.  I want to find all the imperfections and love him for that. I believe someone is out there for everyone, we just need to patience and wait till God puts them in our life. We must never settle and believe we deserve to be treated like a princess.  Its the little things that are the big things in the end always.

"one day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

forever young

With the new year in progress my mind has been more at ease with things and I have been enjoying each day because its not the past and its not the future. Its the present, and that is a gift.  I'm still so young, though sometimes I feel like I need to have my whole life figured out now.  In college we are free to be what ever we want and do what ever we want.  Every night on my floor is a girls night.  Its awesome, we do what girls do best and its wonderful knowing you have your best friends there all the time.  When the real world comes and hits us in the face, it will be hard I'm sure to talk at least once a week.  We must not rush life, and enjoy it because we are young!
So cheers to:
going out more than once a week
wearing sweatpants everyday
having slumber parties every night
eating 3 meals a day with your best friends
sharing secrets
watching TV shows as a group instead of alone
celebrating the ups and downs of life
having the girls there to help with all the latest boy issues
seeing every chick flick
road trips to the mall
drinking to where we don't remember the night before
taking too many pictures
dating the wrong guys
praying for the right one
living in a house where you can blare the music
kissing all the wrong frogs
laughing till tears form
having 5 closets to chose from instead of one
and cheers to creating friendships that will last a lifetime.

"I don't remember how we happened to meet each other.
I don't remember who got along with whom first.
All I can remember is all of us together...always."
"The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple?"
"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter."
"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."