Tuesday, December 2, 2014

feeling the rush

Being 2-4 now have my mind wondering in a few places, when will I meet my husband that I pray for daily, when will a full time job, I will soon have to be off my parents insurance and what is the next adventure for me.  I came across this quote and it couldn't be more true. Every person in this world thinks they need to match up to some expectation. I have to remind myself always that everyone is struggling and thinking about their next step constantly. I was once told that if you had everything figured out in your twenties, whats the fun in that and what could you look forward to. I am trusting my plan is already laid out for me and God is helping direct my steps to get there. The heart aches we face and struggles are making us a better person than we were yesterday and even better for the tomorrow. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Title Town

What an adventure and experience it was to head to Green Bay! It was for my brothers birthday and kinda the last celebration for mine as well! His girlfriend and my mom attended as well!! The Pack had a great game, the snow, drinks and people were awesome! I can not wait to go back!!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Twenty-Four. A number that I am ready to reach. Over this past year I have learned a lot of things and also made the big move back home. I am striving to be the best daughter, sister, friend and worker that I possibly can be. These past months have been filled with so much joy with celebrating so many events that my friends are doing. 

I've done a lot of celebrating thus far with turning 24 so I have a feeling God is going to bless me in ways I never thought he would! Constant prayers of trusting his plan for me and bbelievinghe is in control when I feel out of control. I am excited to see what this next year will bring!! Focusing on my faith, family, friends and my career is whats most important.

PS I think I had five boyfriends after I made my wish ;) HAHA 

They all surprised me with Garth Brooks Tickets!!! Fabulous night!!

so thankful to have amazing friends!
Hats off to this Birthday party that hit the lucky town of Luck this past weekend :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sweetest Day

Well 14 months after the surprise engagement she got married!! My cousin, friend and family tied the knot with her best friend. I could not be more honored to stand by her side during this past weekend that was one to remember. It was such a blast, everything. 

 The non showered yet spray tan at the rehearsal dinner :)
 Just so flawless
 The Best Man and Myself

 This rock right here was recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer... Kicking Cancers Butt though. #heatrises
 The Bride and Groom
Samantha Whillock Photography
These women who I admired so much in my life! 
 The weekend before I took a trip to Menomonie to visit this gem... a 4 yr old I am glad to call my friend along with another best friend who was my roommate for two years in college. 
 You are never too old to attend homecoming with friends who make you feel like you are home whenever you are with them. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

OCT 1st

 I am getting more risky to posting selfies I guess you can call them.. as long as there is no duck lips then its okay right :) Anyhoo fall is here and its the greatest time of the year! The outfit choices and layers,,, boots, scarfs. The list could go on and on.  I got my camera earlier this summer but its still an infant to be because I so much to learn on it! 

This summer I did two things that made me really step out of the box. 1: I got a tattoo and 2: I put color in my hair. Hence the photo above. I haven't touched my hair in over 9 years. Why? because I don't like change that much. Changing my look I guess made me think, it wouldn't be the same me! But change is almost making yourself better because you are embracing a new chapter while also learning from the past ones!

I have been doing a lot of praying lately about my calling and purpose in this world. I love my job... but its part-time and has to be for sometime. That career only fills half of my passion so how do I grab onto and fulfill the rest? My brain is constantly moving, thinking and daydreaming. Good thing I am no longer a student :)

I know God is on my side and always teaching me a lesson a long the way!

October 1st today!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The 1st from High School

Senior Prom :)

Today is the day. Samantha you are going to walk down the aisle to you best friend. I remember senior year sitting in my room rocking out to T-Swift and talking about Prom. Now we clearly had an obsession with boys but we knew our weddings were in Gods hands and not our own. You are going to make the most beautiful Bride and I am so excited to spend this day with you! To celebrate the road you two have shared, the love you will always have, and the people who will stand by your side!
Soon to go from Ms. to Mrs... I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thee Almost Mrs.

This past weekend we celebrated one of the last showers for my beautiful cousin! The more professional photos are taken by my brothers lady. She does a great job and is a good friend of the bride as well. It was a lovely mother daughter shower with all the moms! Now its 31 days and the speech is still in my brain and not on paper! 
NO WORRIES, it will happen. 

The Bride and Maid of Honor which is muah :)

My mama friend and I
The lovely Samantha who has the great eye behind the camera :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I am Enough

Now that summer had ended I cant help but reflect on the gems I have met, went on dates with and I wont lie, kiss. All unique in their own way but all could have been boyfriend material (maybe). But see the thing is the dates ended, the communication stopped almost completely on a day to day basis, and that was mutual. I do not want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me. I just kept reminding myself God put them into my life for a reason and a lesson. So due to my aunt flow that is coming the emotions that you feel just touch your heart a little deeper and last night I had a moment.

Why am I not enough?

Why am I not enough to be pursued, to be wanted everyday, to be dated, to be kissed, to laugh with. Can those men not see that or am I missing something?

Due to the "assumptions" and finding missing pieces of the puzzle expert, I know life can get  busy and people juggle many things at a time, but when does it ever slow down? Never. It never slows down.

I guess what I am trying to get at here is who is going to tell me I am more than enough, when will he come and sweep me off my feet and prove to me and all my doubts that I have ever thought. 

I know my God thinks I am more than enough, he placed me on this earth. I am just excited to see who God has in store for me and who will also prove to me I am enough, more than enough. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chilly Mornings

With summer coming to an end the some what busy life is also... and yesterday I had the fear of the unknown bite me in the a** for most of the day. And the thought that kept running through my head was "God where do I go from here, what is my purpose" like a normal 23 year old thought correct? 

I've recently got inked for the first time, that was a big accomplishment that I shared with two of my best friends! I am doing things for myself that only are making me grow and learn. I am anxious for the future since it seems everywhere I turn people around me have things figured out. Knowing that makes me want it and not want it all at the same time. Its a thought I constantly toss around in my head but sometimes its okay to have a day to sulk and build yourself right back up! 

I met someone who captured my smile in more ways then one. The situation is one like non before. I am very proud he will be enlisting into the Marines and going to serve our country. But the part that is tough is saying goodbye to someone who you may not ever see again and not having a choice to do so. Another way of trusting God and his plan for you and the people he brings into your life to teach you something you can carry with you. In the end everything will make sense and it will all lead to something much greater in the end that you could ever imagine! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

August RUSH

AHHH, August! It has been the busiest month of the summer and we are only half way through! Lets start with my wonderful mother turning fifty and fabulous! Since brother friend and I could not be there on her actual day, we decided to celebrate early! Thankful to be home and have time spent with my family. Since brother friend will head back to school soon and summer is dying down and fall appraoching I must say this summer is one for the books.

I also got to be apart of a wonderful country get together called WE FEST. To be outside and sing along to some great artist and great people, now that is living.

I have no clue what was going on here, but I love it.
Best Brother Friend Ever.

To my beautiful Friend and her now hubby, I am so thankful to be apart of your day. I wish you both so much laughter and celebration in your life together as husband and wife. Love you both.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

wild flower child

 I spent four days on Lake Superior with my grandpa, has 88 ever looked so good one someone?! He is my hero and the happiest person I know! While he would nap I would go visit my favorite places where I have gone for the last 23 years. A bloody over looking the harbor and the lake, priceless!
 Fun shoot with lady that is helping me learn more about my passion... once in while no matter the age its okay to wear flowers in your hair :)
 Brother friend. 

 A black hat will never run out of style
Last three photos credit to Samantha, shine on girl. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1940's finest

This past weekend was full of so much fun!! Celebrated a wonderful bride and the best part was it almost all of our college girlfriends!! So it brought us right back :) there was about 20 of us girls and with the theme being flapper we all stood out with the matching head pieces!! It was a blast and we made a statement at every place we went!! One for the books for sure and now we all cant wait till the wedding!!!