Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chilly Mornings

With summer coming to an end the some what busy life is also... and yesterday I had the fear of the unknown bite me in the a** for most of the day. And the thought that kept running through my head was "God where do I go from here, what is my purpose" like a normal 23 year old thought correct? 

I've recently got inked for the first time, that was a big accomplishment that I shared with two of my best friends! I am doing things for myself that only are making me grow and learn. I am anxious for the future since it seems everywhere I turn people around me have things figured out. Knowing that makes me want it and not want it all at the same time. Its a thought I constantly toss around in my head but sometimes its okay to have a day to sulk and build yourself right back up! 

I met someone who captured my smile in more ways then one. The situation is one like non before. I am very proud he will be enlisting into the Marines and going to serve our country. But the part that is tough is saying goodbye to someone who you may not ever see again and not having a choice to do so. Another way of trusting God and his plan for you and the people he brings into your life to teach you something you can carry with you. In the end everything will make sense and it will all lead to something much greater in the end that you could ever imagine! 

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