Monday, August 18, 2014

August RUSH

AHHH, August! It has been the busiest month of the summer and we are only half way through! Lets start with my wonderful mother turning fifty and fabulous! Since brother friend and I could not be there on her actual day, we decided to celebrate early! Thankful to be home and have time spent with my family. Since brother friend will head back to school soon and summer is dying down and fall appraoching I must say this summer is one for the books.

I also got to be apart of a wonderful country get together called WE FEST. To be outside and sing along to some great artist and great people, now that is living.

I have no clue what was going on here, but I love it.
Best Brother Friend Ever.

To my beautiful Friend and her now hubby, I am so thankful to be apart of your day. I wish you both so much laughter and celebration in your life together as husband and wife. Love you both.

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