Thursday, April 26, 2012

Junior year is coming to an end. Where did the time go? I have learned and gained so much this year. Gained more than just knowledge.  I gained new friends who always bring joy and I gained a person who loves me for me and always shows me.  I have also realized some things about myself that I need to work on and I'm OK with that.  I'm not perfect and the things I have in my life have not come easy.  But that's the joy, because without heartache and struggle, we would not be shaped into the person we have always wanted to be.

I sometimes get caught up in all the dreams I wish for myself.  Dreams that can come true with hard work.  I try to keep them realistic for the most part, but I cant help I am dreamer and want the best for myself and the family I will create one day. I cant be afraid to be a little selfish sometimes, because I believe I deserve. I am so excited to see the plan that God has planned for me.  This summer will be much different than last, and I will also be a stronger person.  I'm looking forward to nights out with my girlfriends, fishing with my dad and brother, having great talks with my mom on her porch and singing for five hours in the car all the way to Green Bay to see a boy that stole my heart. I will not give up on what I want most in life.  I need to embrace change more and not look so much and what I think might be negatives, but find a way to make them positive.

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