Monday, April 16, 2012

feel beautiful today

Today may hard to feel beautiful because its snowing and raining in late April, its a Monday (which are never my favorite), and I'm just too lazy to even wear a bra today. Yes, I did say that. I didn't wear a bra. Thankfully I am able to do that because my chest is not that big, but they are defiantly there.  Since my monthly cycle is now passed, I'm being open and up front with my emotions from the beginning and realizing my boyfriend is the best thing that has happened to be, I find myself feeling beautiful on the inside.  I hope this feeling last because I have so much to be grateful for, I must always remember to count my blessing!

My boyfriend shared this with me and I absoultly love it.  Its so true and I find myself reading this often.  I will help me when I dont feel beautiful inside.

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