Friday, April 20, 2012

a rats nest

There is nothing more I love than being held, having my back scratch and having someone play with my hair.  I am spoiled because I got that all last night. BUT does not happen that often. But I am so thankful someone like him fulfills does needy needs. He's a keeper.

Something that gets me every time when my boyfriend plays with my hair ( give him props, he does it for like an hour) he some how creates this rats nest in my hair.  I think it because he still needs help with not staying in one area HA but when he is finished I look like I teased my hair about 100 times... talk about hot.  Its hilarious but I love it. 

This I know is a cheesy post, but when I look back on it someday I know it will make me smile. Looking forward to celebrating another 21st birthday this week.  One of my dear college friends Taylor.  Also, consisting this Friday is hitting up Chipotle with the roomies for lunch, driving 45 miles for it but so worth it! Finally, seeing this fabulous movie tonight... CANT WAIT!

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