Monday, May 23, 2011

my favorite shows that will never run out of style!

One Tree Hill (OTH) is a show I have been watching since I was in 7th grade. A show that I look forward to each week and love all the quotes and stories that are brought into the show to make it perfect! This season has ended and of course me I cry a lot while watching this show and so I gladly did the other night.  It has changed some with all the years, some old cast are no long there which is sad because I first started watching this show because of Lucas Scott, AKA Chad Michael Murray. TOTAL babe, I know. His love of course Peyton is also gone and I loved her too.  They just show real life struggles which makes the show so real.  But my main girl Brooke Davis, (B Davis) is still there rockin the show :)

Luckily ladies, there WILL be another season starting up in January and that will be AWESOME!
This sums up the last episode, and the bottom middle pic.. yup Brooke is holding TWO babies! She had twin boys :) It was just all around a wonderful ending to the season and I cant wait for the next one!

But on a brighter note the return of the Bachlorette is starting up again and Ashley H from the previous season is the new girl! Now, I wasn't a huge fan of her because I was rooting for Emily the whole time HAHA.  But since I'm a fan i will for sure watch it and of course check out ALLL the babes and pick my favorite :) Happy Monday TV WHOOP!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

great day

Cheers to the start of summer! Last night us girls decided to try something new.. BINGO. At a fun restaurant new our home town.  It cost a dollar a game, so I think we can afford that.  Well, see the thing is I never win anything, so I stopped trying and just have fun.  So the night started off and we all through our dollar in.  I was kinda excited because it has been awhile since I played bingo, and if you win you get cash! AWESOME. In order to win the first game we played you  must get four corners, and each card things has three on them so you had a slight chance of getting something haha. And well, I WON! So, of course I shouted BINGO, and I really did shout. Put my hand in the air and waved my card! I was so excited! Someone else won also so we had to split the cash, but ill take 33 bucks! And we are definitely going back next week!

Earlier that day, Scotti and I (because she is HOME now) got to play with the one and only Ava Mays...

 Oh the summer days have just begun!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i saw god today

0n this rainy day its hard to find things to smile about, because the sun always seems to be hiding lately. But I was proven wrong today. Ya know that song "I saw God today" well, I did.  I was meeting my dear friend Lauren for breakfast at a small Cafe.  Since it was now the start of our summer we thought we should start if off with a hardly breakfast!  An hour pasted an our bill was brought to us. Now let me say this cafe is always filled with elders, which I love because I love seeing grandma and grandpas. An old man walked by us and he picked up our ticket and said "I'm going to buy you girls breakfast" both of our mouths dropped, and we were a little taken back. It was nothing more than a random act of kindness. Bless his heart.  He went up to the counter and had a bible in his hand.  I believe he was with a bible study earlier cause he was with a big group of people. It just made our day. So, I did see god today.  In the recent months he has taught me a lot of the possible things that I thought were impossible.  I am so grateful for all those moments lately, they have opened my eyes and heart so much more.  I must now pay it forward soon, and make someone else's day.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

almost done

I am almost done with my sophomore year of college.. ohhh boy.  It is so strange to think about, Ill be a junior and almost done with school.  But its also exciting to feel more grown up and getting closer to the career I want to have someday. So today my day has consisted of studying and thunder storms and cool ol' Caribou :)

This is what my surrounding will look like for the next 3 days!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers day!

This picture is about 3 years old HA but I do like it, other than my mom trying to look serious? LOL

Mom, I couldn't love you more than I do today. Sometimes I'd like to roll back the clock and return to my growing-up years so I could make up for all the times I didn't thank you enough. I know that you gave me all that you could, and I'm well aware of all the work and worry that it took to raise me.  And just knowing that you're always there gives me a sense of home and belonging that carries me through many rough spots in my life.  You're a wonderful mom, and I love you more than you know.

Happy Mother Day,
Love your Daughter.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


As my sophomore year is fastly coming to an end me and my girls decided we needed to check out where we were living next year one last time!  Our lease starts in June and we all couldn't be more excited!  Though I wont be living here this summer I will come back a lot to visit and start getting my room together!  Being crapped up in a dorm I feel less free that I really am.  Its weird to say but I will be a Junior now... another words almost done with my college career, NOT. Because I plan on attending grad school.  My mother always tells me "plan for your life and not your career" so maybe what I want to be I wont be making the best money out there, but that doesn't matter to me. I have a passion to helping people and listening to them. So future school counselor here I come! Now let me introduce you to our little home:

Here is the front, super cute eh?!

Our living room, which we will make all purty!

some of the kitchen.

more kitchen

our bathroom upstairs, and our landlord is putting a new one downstairs also!

and MY room :) not sure if I will keep the pink yet, so we will see!

another angle

and what ever this is, I thought was super cute!

and here are the 705 girls :) CANT WAIT!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

scream yellow

Today the sun is shining, so I am loving everything yellow today :) Trying to find all the reason to smile

Monday, May 2, 2011

eventful weekend

No rain could ruin a day full of excitement, and it DIDNT! So Prom was a success once the clouds parted and the sun shined down on us :)  I in fact was the photographer.  I have always enjoyed taking pictures, but I am no expect that is for sure.. but much better then my mother I would say.  My brother and his date were the best looking couple there I would say and with me snapping shots left and right, they still have a great time! HA.  Without further a due, here are snaps from the weekend:

the lovely couple, LOVED her dress also!

the guys, good lookin group!

me and my brother, growing up SO fast.

some of his main group of guys!

super cute, they will thank me for these someday.

one of his best girlfriends and our neighbor since 1st grade!

we always take one like this when we can :)
the grand march.

some dresses!

and more!!

Hopefully this week get warmer! Its May for petes sake HAHA. Enjoy today!