Wednesday, May 28, 2014

here comes the sun!

 Do you have a place where all worries of the world just wash away, where you see God all the time with the beauty he created and the amount of conversation with friends and family is just priceless. This is my cabin where I love to spend the summer. The lake has so much beauty and the town is always fun. Small towns are the best towns, I think. We couldn't of asked for better weather last
weekend and I hope that Summer telling us its going to be a great one this year :)

This past weekend I also got to hang out with my bride to be cousin, again I am the MOH (still feeling honored) and sit on the dock at our grandma and grandpas cabin and tan. Seriously the best medicine ever. I got to pick up my brides maid dress and it was fabulous.. all becoming more real and close to the date! We are just a grade apart but almost two years age difference. We have a big family but we are the closest and I thank God for not only that but also blessing me with a best friend who is family.
Enjoy today, its beautiful!

Monday, May 19, 2014

home for the summer

One of the reasons I am most excited about moving home is the gem above ^^^. That would be my brother if you didn't already know and he is three years younger than me. (WHOA), I know. Over the past few years we not only share the same blood and parents, but we now share a friendship. We talk just about everyday and I usually have to dial first but he always picks up. We have been through a big life change together and we just had each others back constantly. Now growing up into our twenties we have can relate to more life situations and celebrations.   I am so proud of the great young man he is turning into. He teaches me things more than I teach him to be honest. I am so blessed that God gave me a brother, the coolest one I know :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

beautiful morning

On days like today I wish finding inspiration, sending a kind message to someone or making a strangers day could be my career. Truth is, it can be I just need to invest my mind more into it. Don't get me wrong I worked hard for the degree I have and enjoy my new job now, but if I could help create sunshine in someone else's life constantly I would.
This morning is so perfect. When I see the sun shining I instantly thank God for this beautiful day. He knows its a gift for me when the sun is shining. I have my 12 year old Golden sitting at my feet and a good cup of coffee to my left. Summer I believe is my second favorite season and I am just so excited for the sun and water.
One thing I love about summer is the sun rises and sunsets. My camera is constantly filled with those images and I not one is the same, which is the beauty of it all.
In my devotion today is read: Remember that I am with you. Talk with Me, and listen while I talk you through each challenging situation. I am not a careless God. When I allow difficulties to come into your, I equip you fully to handle them. Relax in My Presence, trusting in My strength.
Lately, I have to constantly remind myself of this. Trusting his plan over mine. So many exciting things are happening in some of my best friends lives and its amazing to see us all growing up. Then I get excited for when I reach that stage in my life, but patience because I have no clue when it will come. I will struggle always with many things, but God will always be a step ahead of me.
I simply find the biggest excitement thinking about the cabin and running and jumping off the dock like I am 10 years old again.
Cheers, XOXO

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

one last hurrah

 This past weekend I celebrated all that Menomonie has taught, given and brought me. I have gained so much of who I am now from this small town and I am forever grateful.
 My roommates this past year! We have come from all over and sure had many laughs this past year. I hope to stay in touch and cant wait to see where they all end up!
 To the mom that's been the coolest since 1990. We celebrated her and everything she has taught and gave up over the last 23 years. She will be my new roommate for the summer but I am looking forward to being back with her again. Not only is she my mom but also my best friend. My brother will also be home this summer and I can't wait. In life there is nothing better than your family, your biggest fans for life.

We also had some fun Friday with a family friend who I met through my job I recently left, she is starting out as a photographer and she wanted to practice on Kayla and I! I think she did a wonderful job. Brings me back to taking senior pictures!