Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crazy Summa Dayz

Hello All!! Being a nanny to two boys, a sister, a daughter, a best friend and my own friend, life has been a bit crazy busy lately. So, this post will be all sorts of randoms. First things first, my tan is going extremely well and my brothers high school graduation party is this weekend! I am so thrilled to have family and friends here this weekend and looking forward to feeling the love everywhere!

Dear friends Kate and Taylor. We are at a friend of Taylors boxing match! What an expereince that was! Thank you again for the awesome opportiuny and the memories. Something to check off my bucket list!
This past weekend went to my dear Shaylee's house for some girl time and relaxing. Went out on the lake, ate great food and had awesome conversations. I enjoy these times so much, its time like these when you really know how important it is to have girlfriends and that you would die without them.

I am reading Captiviating right now... its a great book for Christian women like myself to really find out the women in you and how you should feel about youself, how you should be treated, what God thinks of you and more. A husband and wife wrote it and I enjoy it a lot. I also stubmled across this in the chapter about beauty and I fell in love:
"Women who are stunningly beautiful are women who have had their hearts enlarged by suffering. By saying yes when the world says no. By paying the high price of loving truly and honestly without demanding that they be loved in return."

I also have many things to look forward to coming up :) the 4th being one of them. My 2nd favorite holiday I believe!!


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