Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crazy Summa Dayz

Hello All!! Being a nanny to two boys, a sister, a daughter, a best friend and my own friend, life has been a bit crazy busy lately. So, this post will be all sorts of randoms. First things first, my tan is going extremely well and my brothers high school graduation party is this weekend! I am so thrilled to have family and friends here this weekend and looking forward to feeling the love everywhere!

Dear friends Kate and Taylor. We are at a friend of Taylors boxing match! What an expereince that was! Thank you again for the awesome opportiuny and the memories. Something to check off my bucket list!
This past weekend went to my dear Shaylee's house for some girl time and relaxing. Went out on the lake, ate great food and had awesome conversations. I enjoy these times so much, its time like these when you really know how important it is to have girlfriends and that you would die without them.

I am reading Captiviating right now... its a great book for Christian women like myself to really find out the women in you and how you should feel about youself, how you should be treated, what God thinks of you and more. A husband and wife wrote it and I enjoy it a lot. I also stubmled across this in the chapter about beauty and I fell in love:
"Women who are stunningly beautiful are women who have had their hearts enlarged by suffering. By saying yes when the world says no. By paying the high price of loving truly and honestly without demanding that they be loved in return."

I also have many things to look forward to coming up :) the 4th being one of them. My 2nd favorite holiday I believe!!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Happy Fathers Day to the guy who has dropped everything for me to come help. Weather its with car problems.. which always happen or forgot something at home I needed for school, to fixing a zipper that broke on my new jacket, helping me with projects growing up, giving me wonderful homes to grow up in and countless amounts of funny stories still, I have the greatest Dad.

I pray God has a guy for me just like him.. a bit different but so many qualities my dad has that I also want in a guy. Though he is not the best with advice he has a huge heart and is never afraid to show it. A bond between a dad and daughter is always special and I'm thankful for my relationship with my dad.

I always played this song growing up or my mom did and I would get tears. I think since its the song we sang when I was 7, it will be the song we will dance to at my wedding.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Smiling at so much in this world. Loving so much in this world. Missing someone who was my world.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I believe this to be true to the hilt. Life is simply too short not to take risks, grab the opportunities that you find that fit your shoes perfect and to be in love, in love with many things that is. At my brothers graduation last night, there were some great speeches.  Some people can speak the whole truth in like five minutes.  When one chapter is finished in your life, you don't go back and try to rewrite it, or try to add something, its done. Its only then, that should be the most exciting that its time to start a new chapter, not knowing what will be written in this one, has to be the most beautiful thing. This summer is a whole new chapter for me, I believe every season should be a new chapter in our lives.

Growing up, and still today, I am the girl that can carry her voice afar so others can hear, I believe I am very colorful with who I am and how I present myself to everyone who crosses my path. I live to think I am lively too.  I have a few heartaches in my life, each completely different from one another, but they all have taught me SO much. So for that I am grateful.  With my experiences, I can now help others who may land in the shoes I have been in.  Shoes that are worn and torn... but that doesn't mean I am going to stop walking in them, no. No only have they been in pain, but they have pushed through the darkest days and have found sunshine. I know God believes that I can handle anything that comes my way, and boy has he tested me.

Right now, I'm sitting on my porch with a wonderful dog, a cup of coffee and in  my pajamas. Embracing the new day and deciding on what the day should be. Getting to see some old faces, maybe making a trip to Starbucks, going to see my nanny family and whatever else comes to mind.  Thanking those who fought for me, today, that I have this freedom. I have a purpose in this life and there is a reason why I am here.

I found this on a dear friends facebook today, I havent heard it yet and I really liked it. Enjoy:

"It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so don't fuss, dear"

-Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, June 7, 2012

baby brother all grown up!

Happy Graduation Day, to one of the greatest guys I know, my brother.

And what a handsome young man you turned out to be!

All you have to do is be yourself and live the story that no one else can live,
the story of your own unique life.
Be proud.
Be confident.
And most of all, be happy.

I'm so proud and blessed to have you in my life Jack and the friendship we have created over all of our years. Cant wait to cheer you on tonight!!

your sister

Monday, June 4, 2012

Birthday BASH!

 This is our pajama 21st Celebration for my roommate Danielle, not in the picture though. That was Wednesday night and was a wonderful celebration. Almost peed my pants many times!
 This is for my dear friend Stephanie, celebrating her 21st at a restaurant in the cities call Seven, which is a Sushi bar. It was fabulous and her wonderful boyfriend paid for all of us to enjoy it. Topping it off with a hummer limo to up town where I finally got to experience those bars!
 Jaime, me, Cullen and Bre. Almost all of these photos captured by Cullen herself since I am currently still operating the blackberry and its horrible camera :(
 Us again with the Birthday Girl this time.. this night had some major injuries. CHEERS
 Here is miss Taylor and the lovely Hummer Limo we got to ride in to uptown also for her 21st Celebration. It was fabulous!
 Sunday funday with some girls in Hudson :)
 And again :)

And again :) having us some shock top with a lemon. Delicious.
Steph getting a lap dance from her sweetheart boyfriend that I happened to think was hilarious HAHA
 Struggling a bit to pedal up a hit... the undercarriage (Bridesmaids) was definitely hurting later that day.