Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This saying fits perfect for the last few months of my life.  I know I share a lot about the great boyfriend I have, probably because he is so great.  Even when I doubt his ability to me, I wanna slap myself for that.  Sharing my feelings has never been  problem in my life, with him; it has been.  And I haven't quiet figured it out. Well, that's also a lie. I feel like I will be judged. And that is wrong for me to think that way.  He is my boyfriend, my friend, my go to guy, my shoulder to cry on, and the ear that wants to hear my voice, thoughts and ideas.

I am a very emotional person, or like I say, I have a lot of feelings.  Some too strong.  We are on different levels with each other on many things and that has been eye opening for me.  Working with someone who believes in different things that you do and also handles situations differently too.  He has told me he will be more sensitive to my feelings. He needs to be or this wont work.  He has been someone so great in my life I wouldn't want to lose.  He has come into my life for a reason.  That I am not sure about yet due to my crazy but wonderful life I am living right now.

P.S My great boyfriend said this song is what he thinks of me. Sweetness.

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