Tuesday, February 7, 2012

morning sunshines!

I love mornings. Plain and simple.  The best ones are when the sun is shining, it gives a kick start to my day.  Today however I woke up in my awfully cute pajamas next to a boy who makes me smile. Cheesy I know. I also love making breakfast down stairs with the roommates and having life talks about everything under the sun while a pot of hot coffee is brewing.

This semester is going very well for me so far.  I love all my classes, I got a job (just waiting to hear when I start) and going into for a twenty minute training so I can mentor a boy or girl who is in need of an extra friend.  I think by doing both of these I will be able to find where my core strengths are and if I have a passion more for adults or children.  I'm just thanking God for all these wonderful opportunities he is presenting me with.

This weekend I am heading home and am so excited to see my family.  I know they all miss me and I miss them.  I'm bringing my sweet boyfriend also and we have so many things planned. I'm so thankful I can bring him into my life and to my family.  He just clicks with them all.

P.S. The Vow comes out Fridayyy! EKKKKKK.

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