Monday, November 28, 2011

all that I am thankful for

Thanksgiving was nice this year.  Starting to do the whole, what day with mom and what day with dad thing but it went well.  I am so thankful for all the I have and who I have in my life.  Yes, it has been a rough year of sadness but, no one has dyed and no one is sick. very thankful.

Things I am thankful this year:
  • my faith, has got me through all the hard times and has only grew stronger.
  • my health, that I can work out and be fit and have nothing wrong with me.
  • my family, though it is split now my relationships with each one has gotten so much stronger.
  • my friends, girlfriends. they are my sister I never had and have been such a great support system and lift up for me.  I am so grateful for their presence in my life.
  • my education. that I can go to school to get a degree.
  • the house that I have, no matte what happens in life I will have some place to call home.
  • the clothes in my closet. never do I need to worry about having nothing to wear (but sometimes I feel that way).
  • the little things in life that make me happy. like a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • cant forget about the boyfriend. not only am I falling in love with this guy but he is becoming so much more than just the title "boyfriend" this is Gods plan, and though I may never understand why now. Someday it will all make perfect sense.

I also hit up black Friday... boy this year was an adventure. with stores opening up much earlier and all the deals! it was awesome! Went with my two great friends Lauren and Ashley.. it is not a tradition since its the third year in a row!!  We are such troopers.  Scored some great deals at Victoria... never bought a bra there buy not own two!! The girls are much more secure.

Monday, November 21, 2011

oh the mondays

After the ticket with the police.. total BS by the way, the excel bill comes.  We are in college. We are not made of money but we are made of loans.  Rent is also due soon, and Christmas is coming up.  But its just money.  No one in my family is dying, everyone is healthy, and I get to see the people I love most very soon. 

Me and two of my other friends from school have now started a bible study on Sunday nights at caribou.  I'm so excited about this.  We decided that we could read the book Captivating, unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul.  So far its awesome, we all relate so much and could sit and talk for hours.  I'm just glad because this will give me an opportunity to open up and share my thoughts and my fail and how this portrays to my life. One of the girls said, when we look at our life and the little problem we are learning to deal with, we must think; it could be so much worse.  Which is right.  I had to remember how blessed and lucky I have to have the people and the things in my life.

Also, missing the boyfriend.  It will be the longest we have been apart in like two months... pathetic I know. But oh well, just goes to show I have one heck of a wonderful dude in my life. 
This picture was captured on my birthday eve. How precious.

I cant wait to be home and see all my other wonderful loves that I miss dearly.  Also the guys too, the boys who love me for me and know my past too well HAHA .  Black Friday shopping will be awesome! Cant believe its already that time again!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

finally 21

My Birthday was a blast! I had the most wonderful people there to help me celebrate and I couldn't feel more blessed!
Jaim and I holding big girl drinks at the bar!
This is what you look like when you turn 21
:) Kate looks a bit weird... forgive her.
At our house before we went out. Love you all!
Hello Boyfriend. You rock
the famous Laur Ann cake that took hours just for me. A huge hit and tasted delicious!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

loving november

Two days till the big 21!!! its bitter sweet. Defining me more of an adult I ever thought was possible and really putting the big girl underwear on.

Feeling more and more blessed with all my relationships in my life. My girlfriends, my family and now  my boyfriend... boy that is weird to say.  But truly someone who I feel very blessed to have come into my life.

The holidays are fast approaching, and though it will be tough this year, I have to remember how thankful I am for all that I have in my life.  Christmas music is starting to play everywhere and I am in love with sweaters and boots!  Just bought a leather jacket, ya know those cute cropped ones from targ botique ( target).  I feel pretty BA in it and now being 21 I think its perfectly OK to own one.

Also, newest obsession... pinterest! Loving everything about it and always pinning like crazy when I really should be doing other things.  Now going to make myself some cocoa, to warm my soul!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

be yourself

I hear this and see this all the time. I believe it to the hilt. But like every other girl sometimes we forget to be our self and try to be someone we are not. Maybe for a week or just a day.  Then we sit back and think to ourselves this isn't me, why should I be like this. I have crossed that path a few times in a few different stages of my almost 21 years.  Try to do my hair like a certain girl, or wear a certain name brand, talk a certain way, and sometimes even act. Why? I really cant tell you that.  But growing up I realized I LOVE who I am. The crazy, weird unique, fun, loving, kind person I am.  And it simply goes like this, if someone doesn't like you for all your wonderful traits why even bother trying.  The simply don't deserve your greatness.

I have said this times before. But I am so thankful for all my girlfriends who love me for who I am.  Yes, they roll there eyes, and don't laugh when I laugh, or just stare when I do something weird and I love it.  I love them for who they are and each of them bring in different joy to my life each day.

And now, I think I have myself a boy who wouldn't want me to be anything but what I am now.  He laughs and my weirdness and of course accepts it. Doesn't judge me for wearing sweat pants 5 days a week.  Loves when I wake up with no makeup on and smile. Because in the morning that's the best makeup a girl can wear.  Tells me he wants to show me off, and is excited to bring me into his world.  Never to I have to be someone I'm not, he has dried my tears more than once and just holds me when he doesn't know what to say. And that to me is perfect.  Every girl can be an emotional emily especially when they are on there monthly cycle, and lately my emotions have been bouncing off the walls.  He becomes my positive when I am negative and always tells me nothing is as bad as it seems. And he is right, even when I am too stubborn to admit it. We only dated per say for a month before we labeled ourselves as "boyfriend girlfriend". I can say though, he has been the best thing that has happened to me. I never knew something so great was out there.

Enjoying this life one day at a time. That's the best way, God has already shown me so many surprises.