Monday, April 28, 2014

one week..gasp!

Today marks one week. One week until I start a new chapter in my life. Turing the page after 5 years. I got to thinking last night, how do I pack 5 years up and move on... maybe its the whole bittersweet and excitement for change. I haven't cried, but I'm not concerned because as I have grown I have learned to handle change in a more positive note.
I came across this quote on Pinterest and I thought it couldn't fit my life more. I am not a mess, perhaps I am extraordinary. My life forever will be changing for many years to come and some of it completely out of my control and that's where my undying faith comes in. I am so grateful to have that relationship, to grasp onto something better and bigger than myself. Someone who has had my life planned for me since day one.
I am journeying through some of the greatest years of my life, my twenties. Everyone who I share my story with constantly reminds me that I am young.. I have so much time to focus on myself and make myself happy. I have to remind myself of that often and try not to get to wrapped up in other peoples lives or trying to please people. My courage has grown so much this year and I am so pleased with that. In life a lot of decisions take courage to make and its something I continue to pray about.
Wrapping up a 5 year chapter is such a blessing. The memories, the people, the family, the friends and the jobs that have made me who I am today. Truly an amazing place to have a family and memories forever. Everyone is going in different directions and its time I go as well. Once I leave my life is really living day to day not knowing the next step, But I am okay with that. I am embracing the unknown with faith and open arms. Change is the only thing we can depend on and must welcome it with open arms.
That's a wrap

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Days full of laughter

 With Remington :)
This was by far one of the best adventures I have had in sometime! A family friend that we met here in Menom owns a farm, and they get down and dirty on the farm HA Its something some like to call "mud bogging". We got on old clothes, mud boots, a Remington hat and hopped on 4-wheelers. It was so much FUN! At times we drove through 2 foot deep water and just laughed since you had to gun it! Mud was spraying everywhere direction and we just laughed. A few times it got into our mouths but it was all worth the chunks of mud we pulled out and the cold. The Wayne Farm is forever a memory.

 Happy Easter 2014! What a glorious day God blessed us with! I was absolutely in love with this day. Church with my dad was so uplifting and then to a beautiful day spent with family, pure bliss. I am so thankful for my handsome little brother. Each year we get older and older but our bond and love for each other only grows more strong and I am so grateful for him.
It is only normal that my dad does this :) photo bombing. But he has a big happy smile on his face so it makes me love it that much more! Each holiday is getting a little more easier to celebrate but I'm grateful that everyone is so understanding and I still got to spend time with both parents.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

melted snow

 This past weekend was the true beginning of this ladies journey to become a bride. There is something to be said about her as well, we are family. She has been apart of my life for almost 22 years. Over the years we have become not only cousins but also great friends. Now that we are truly growing up we have become that much closer. Neither one of us have a sister but I couldn't ask for someone better to know all about my life and be my friend at the same time. I still feel so honored to stand up next to her on her day. I am looking forward to all the fun that still lies ahead!
Yes, this is a beautiful view of life on a country farm. Also this past weekend my good friend and I went to a family friends we have gotten close to over the year for dinner and little did we know we would have a hay day and get full of dirt. Their 4 yr old son has my heart. A true boy who wears john deer boots and loves to play in the dirt. The whole fam along with Kayla and I took the four-wheelers out for a spin along the country roads and it was like true therapy of fresh air. It brought me back to my childhood of riding them always. I love the peacefulness of the country and will never leave it.
Some of my bestest friends live in other states and when I am able to chat with them on the phone I just miss them all that more. It seems like no time has past and so many memories arise to when we were all together. I know God has the best plan for us all and I thank him always for putting the best people in my life.