Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break!

Yes, spring break is finally here. It has come at thee perfect time as well. Enough with school, work, and the snow! Tuesday I will be on a plane bright and early to Miami! I have never been but me and three other beauties are dying to see what it has to offer. It was so fun to buy some new suits, bring out the dresses and pack. I can not wait to simply sit on the beach and just breathe. To remind myself how blessed I am with the people and things I have in my life. Also, to what I have accomplished in four years and the lessons, experiences and people I have met a long the way. I have grown so much in these past four years and I cant wait to reward myself with a vacation. Its been many years in I have been to a beach so that much is worth celebrating!
Now that we are all legal, def may have to buy a drink or two on the plane :) I am just so excited for this break away from many things! May God watch over us as we take on Miami! Oh, the Kardashions always talk about Cuban coffee.. I will be trying some.

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