Wednesday, March 6, 2013


When I reread this quote is just continues to make sense. Perfect does not exist in my world at all, I will never be perfect and I don't expect the people around me to be either. For the first time since I can remember I don't have the next plan.
I received the sad news that neither grad school wanted to have me in their program this next year. Now I am very confident in who I am, but I am not cocky. I had a good attitude about getting into grad school but I was not going to be devastated if I didn't. I probably need more experience in the field and that's OK. I had great support from my family, friends and boy. I need to be proud of myself in the effort and time I took to apply and know that in only 3 short months I will be a graduate from college! Its normal in your twenties I think to not know what the next chapter will be. I am trying to embrace it and not stress myself out too much. This year God has tested me in so many ways and I still continue to talk to him daily.
My mom shared a good quote with me the day she called me about my letters, everything has a crack in it, that's how the light gets in. Its true. It we plan our life to a T we are only setting our self up for disappointment. I have this image in my head too much lately how things are "suppose" to be. On what the life of a 22 year old should be, what a relationship should be like, but my man has a full time job and other important commitments and still tries his hardest to make sure I am smiling. I am so proud of all he does and have to understand we don't have a normal relationship, but its ours. I am falling in love with him, I can see us being together to awhile and I could see raising kids with him. But things happen and that's why you still have to guard your heart and know God is in control.
In two short weeks I will be on a plane to Miami. I haven't been on the beach in a long time and the only thing I am looking forward to is laying on the beach, reading, listening to the waves and taking in all the life I have lived thus far. Just 4 of us girls are going and it should be a great time. I am glad I am taking a trip my senior year to help celebrate all that I have accomplished.
I also want to shout out to all my best girlfriends from high school who will also be graduating this year as well. Four years ago we all graduated from the same school and now we will all be celebrating in different cities and states. I am so excited to see the plans that God has in store for us. There is just so much to celebrate in life, we are all so blessed.

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