Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This saying fits perfect for the last few months of my life.  I know I share a lot about the great boyfriend I have, probably because he is so great.  Even when I doubt his ability to me, I wanna slap myself for that.  Sharing my feelings has never been  problem in my life, with him; it has been.  And I haven't quiet figured it out. Well, that's also a lie. I feel like I will be judged. And that is wrong for me to think that way.  He is my boyfriend, my friend, my go to guy, my shoulder to cry on, and the ear that wants to hear my voice, thoughts and ideas.

I am a very emotional person, or like I say, I have a lot of feelings.  Some too strong.  We are on different levels with each other on many things and that has been eye opening for me.  Working with someone who believes in different things that you do and also handles situations differently too.  He has told me he will be more sensitive to my feelings. He needs to be or this wont work.  He has been someone so great in my life I wouldn't want to lose.  He has come into my life for a reason.  That I am not sure about yet due to my crazy but wonderful life I am living right now.

P.S My great boyfriend said this song is what he thinks of me. Sweetness.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

everything old

 I love Tea
 dangling earrings is a must
 vintage nik nacks
pink roses
I am currently falling in love with everything old.  The thrift stores are my new go to store.  I have always loved old things, but lately they have been filled with so many treasures!  I currently just did my room at my moms now and have found everything at a thrift store. My dear friend is also a treasure whore too. Its awesome.  I also find it cool that everything you buy there has been in someone else home before.  That might sound creepy,  but I think its cool.  I bought a cute little tea pot to fix my tea obsession lately. I love it.  I wish for some pink rose soon (ahhmmmm boyfriend?) HA he knows. So maybe some day :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

thoughts, questions and dreams

I loved swinging when I was a little girl. Now I wish I had time to go sit on a swing, place my feet in the sand and see how high I could get. Thinking about it now, sooths my mind.  Bringing in 2012 I have a better head on my shoulder for many things.  2011 was a very rough year in the beginning but towards the end it had some great blessings.

I sometimes question if where I am is where I am suppose to be.  I'm sure a lot of young girls my age do the same thing. I have so many dreams, and ideas, and goals that I feel I wont reach one day and they can only be created in my head.  Some of my dreams have changed without me having a say in them and some goals have been adjusted too. I am very content with who I am, but still am striving to be someone better. I am a firm believer in focusing on one day at a time.  Now rushing things, but enjoying the moment you are in. Life is just to short to worry and plan far ahead when plans change all the time. I am working on that, and have been proud of myself for not worrying to much about what the future might look like with my family, school, my boyfriend, my career.  It will all play out the way its suppose to.  I must believe that.

I am so thankful for all that I have and for the people that love me.  When my mind starts to go crazy I must stop, think, and remember everything will turn out.

Someone very special shared this song with me today, and I love it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Im a bit behind with everything happening in my life, but the pictures that are about to blow up this post will help. This Christmas was different but also a blessing.  Still being with the people I love most but starting over with some new traditions.  New Years was awesome.  Being with people who I have known for years and havent seen in years was awesome! God works in funny ways but I think he wants this year to be a good year for me.  Already in my Junior year I have met my boyfriend, who is amazing, new friends who have turned into best and turning 21 all has been nothing but joy.

 I went hunting for the first time with my dad and brother! They were impressed!
 Christmas Eve at Grandpas!
 Christmas Day ice fishing with dad!
 Daddys Girl
 New years Eve.
 Neighbors since 4th grade!
New Years Day. Hott messes!