Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hello new boy and new thoughts

So there is this new boy, yup there is. The boy the approached me at a party wanting to take me out, the boy who went to a friend to get my number, and the boy who called me instead of texting me.  He is also the guy, who set up a date with me and I backed out. My feelings were not all there yet.  The boy who skipped the bars to dance in our living room with my and my roommates to old 90's tunes.  The boy who stayed with me since my house was all empty on a Friday night and the boy who made our first date pure bliss. Breakfast and a Crystal Cave.  All his idea, he had it planned and we went on a whim.  Drove around in his Chevy listening to country music on a beautiful Sunday. I think that screams perfect.  I have never felt so adored before. And truth is I enjoy it.  We will just see what happens and take each day one day at a time.

Tony and I

Our 90's dance party night. Pure awesomeness

I also said goodbye for now to the boy that never kissed me. It was a feeling that could not be described but I wanted to know so bad.  I waited too long for him and gave him too many chances and he didn't grab onto like he should of if he really wanted to keep me.  Of course I'm a girl so it was emotional and tears were shed. It felt like a breakup HAHA but its for the better right now .  We will forever be friends, but need a break so the feelings can pass. And only God knows what the future will hold.

Its our homecoming this weekend! Looking forward to this fun crazy weekend :)!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

fresh flowers

Sometimes the littlest things can bring such joy! Especially on this rainy day.  These are beautiful flowers from the local farmers market here in town! I fell in love with it today, but wished it had been better weather. I will attend each week now :)!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I wanna scream

Sometimes I get that urge to just wanna scream.  I know its normal because, if girls out there like me have boy issues or just overwhelmed with craziness... screaming may be the only way to  be heard.  At least we think so.

I'm going nuts because I want to talk to someone who I think I wanna be with.  But if he doesn't seem to wanna be with me 85 percent of the time why should I wanna be with him.  When he doesn't talk to me I go crazy and probably prevented myself from talking to him 10 times today. This just sucks. So now you get the whole scream thing? Good.

Another night full of prayer to the man who guides me through life.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Here is me trying out the new web cam, trying to be cute and all HAHA my oh my. Anyhoo I have a lot of thoughts racing through my head tonight, or should I say a lot of boys. Lets not lie here.  I guess I am stubborn and don't wanna settle, and when it comes to the not so good boys I get hooked but when a good one comes along I get scared?  Maybe its because I don't want something good right now because I don't wanna settle down, or I'm just not use to the niceness.  I'm confused. HELP.

If I haven't made it clear already there are not so good boys, well not that there bad but they could be trying a little better if they truly wanted to be with me. I don't think I'm wrong there.  But now this new boy, total stranger till this year has done about everything right.  To approaching me first, finding out my number (cause when he gave me his I did nothing with it) and CALLING me, not texting and wanting to take me out really bad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. He had talked to a friend of mine at the bar and this is what she told me her conversation was with him:

first asked if i knew you than told me of the first time he met you and how he couldn't keep his eyes off you and how he had to get some "liquid courage" before he could actually approach you and he couldn't get over how "stunning" you were.

That is one of the nicest things a guy has ever said about me. Just too sweet. He seems very nice and all so I guess Ill be asking God to show me a lot of signs as to why I should try this out.  He is the cute, but I guess my eyes wouldn't notice him right away.  Like my mother has always told me "you always have you mind set on what you want, and nothing really can change that. You have been that way since you came out of the wound" which I believe is true.  Something I guess you could say I am trying to work on.  Learning to not look too far into situations with boys and accepting the fact that there will be some that wont stay very long.  Before I start to not make sense mines well stop now HAHA.

When stuff like this happens only God knows what way I should choose and will choose in a matter of time.  I guess I shall sleep good tonight know someone said those kind sweet words to me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the bou

Being back at school has all sorts of perks. One being all the fun study and homework dates at Caribou Coffee.  A great coffee place that's mostly in the Midwest.  Since fall is fastly approaching, I'm loving the smell of coffee more and more and the feeling of being in a warm place.  There sweaters of the coffee cups have the saying on it life is short, stay awake for it. So lately what I am staying awake for is:

late night chats with my roommates
early morning runs
flirty talks with boys
the fall weather right around the corner
endless laughs
beautiful sunsets
night walks with my roommates
cooking meals in my new house
TV shows returning

P.S. craving a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and some new fall wardrobe


Sunday, September 11, 2011


I remember it very clearly that day.  I was in 5th grade and walking into class when the TV was on and everyone was asking what was going on.  I believe I asked my friend Christy and she had told me planes crashed into buildings.  That morning the whole school met in the gym where our principle talked about what was going on and told teachers to keep the TVs off. I did not like that idea at all because I like to know what is going on.  One of the other 5th grade teachers let her kids watch it.  She was the cool young teacher, Mrs. Urness. I loved her.  I went to New York about three years ago, but we never made it to ground zero memorial.  I would love to go there someday again and visit it.  I love history and its insane to think I was apart of this major event that went down in my kids history books.  My prayers go out to all those families that were effected by this and lost loved ones.  To all those who serve for our country so we can be free.  I have so much respect for them.

"If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate,'' Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl

School has now started. Hello Junior year!  Its already been awesome.  I love my house and my roommates.  So far, I think I will also like my classes to and will have plenty to do!  I'm ready for fall, this may be my favorite time of the year.  The cool weather, the trees changing colors, the pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, jeans, boots, pumpkin patches and apple orchards. I just love it. Oh! and my birthday is also in November! 21 this year... I may have mentioned it a time or two before HAHA

I went to Church today, alone.  Its something I have never done before. And the sweetest thing is I didn't feel alone, or out of place.  It felt great to worship God and be in a place that is full of love for him and hearing the pastors message.  Its a great start to Sunday.  I also got to spend some good quality time with my dad.  He truly is one of a kind, and so grateful for him everyday.

Jack, on his first day of school of his senior year! So excited for him.  I remember my senior like yesterday and am so excited to see all that the year brings him.  I am so proud of the person he is, I could not ask for a better brother and friend in him.