Wednesday, November 17, 2010

its just the begining

Every story has an ending, but in life every ending is just a new beginning

I feel being 20 is a whole new ball park.  I feel more matture in a sense in how I go about life and the priorties that I think are important.  I think keeping in touch with the ones that matter most is by fat most important. Also building stronger relationships with your parents and smiling to a stranger you pass on the street. Being in college I found that sometimes you just really need your high school girls. Be cause they just get you and understand why. A wise friend just told me its hard to believe you can do so long with out seeing someone that is so important to you but thats when you know its the magic of true friends that remains so strong.  And when the days get tough it wont be the end of the world, because tomorrow is always a new day.

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