Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sweetest Day

Well 14 months after the surprise engagement she got married!! My cousin, friend and family tied the knot with her best friend. I could not be more honored to stand by her side during this past weekend that was one to remember. It was such a blast, everything. 

 The non showered yet spray tan at the rehearsal dinner :)
 Just so flawless
 The Best Man and Myself

 This rock right here was recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer... Kicking Cancers Butt though. #heatrises
 The Bride and Groom
Samantha Whillock Photography
These women who I admired so much in my life! 
 The weekend before I took a trip to Menomonie to visit this gem... a 4 yr old I am glad to call my friend along with another best friend who was my roommate for two years in college. 
 You are never too old to attend homecoming with friends who make you feel like you are home whenever you are with them. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

OCT 1st

 I am getting more risky to posting selfies I guess you can call them.. as long as there is no duck lips then its okay right :) Anyhoo fall is here and its the greatest time of the year! The outfit choices and layers,,, boots, scarfs. The list could go on and on.  I got my camera earlier this summer but its still an infant to be because I so much to learn on it! 

This summer I did two things that made me really step out of the box. 1: I got a tattoo and 2: I put color in my hair. Hence the photo above. I haven't touched my hair in over 9 years. Why? because I don't like change that much. Changing my look I guess made me think, it wouldn't be the same me! But change is almost making yourself better because you are embracing a new chapter while also learning from the past ones!

I have been doing a lot of praying lately about my calling and purpose in this world. I love my job... but its part-time and has to be for sometime. That career only fills half of my passion so how do I grab onto and fulfill the rest? My brain is constantly moving, thinking and daydreaming. Good thing I am no longer a student :)

I know God is on my side and always teaching me a lesson a long the way!

October 1st today!