Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soul Mates

With a friend returning home for good this week I cant help but get excited that one of my true soul mates will be on Midwest ground again.

Today we celebrate the first college friend getting married. Its odd to think how single some of us were just a few short years ago, now some about to get married, more are getting engaged, are in a serious relationship and one even pregnant! Its all so exciting and I cant constantly help but smile.

But today I will be with girls who I started a journey with almost six years ago. To me they have seen me grow so much and have been there through really hard times in my past. How could they not be my soul mates? Loving me at my worst and my best, encouraging me and rooting for me always. Ya they can/could disappoint but you move on and its right back to awesomeness. 

I guess untill maybe I meet my soul mate which probably will have bigger muscles and shorter hair, I choose them. The girlfriends who are full of life, love and clearly in the pursuit of happiness.

Cheers to Miranda's Day :)

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