Monday, July 7, 2014

land of the free, home of the brave

 A best friend and laughter.. priceless 
 The blondie is the one who captured these festive moments :)
This shoot was a spur of the moment, we love the 4th of July so lets take some pictures. Maybe its been my whole life but I can really remember around the age of sixteen I just loved celebrating the fourth of July. I loved the atmosphere that people create, I love the colors, I love the festivities, I love the season and I love celebrating it will amazing people. My home town does it big for the fourth, so it always brings everyone back home to celebrate it. Its awesome to see that after so many years out of high school we still can all come together to celebrate the Independence of our country. My grandpa is a WWII Vet, and I am so honored to be his granddaughter. I also share my birthday with him since it is on Veterans day as well. It may just be in my blood but I will continue to celebrate my country one hundred percent for as many years as I can. 

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