Sunday, July 27, 2014

wild flower child

 I spent four days on Lake Superior with my grandpa, has 88 ever looked so good one someone?! He is my hero and the happiest person I know! While he would nap I would go visit my favorite places where I have gone for the last 23 years. A bloody over looking the harbor and the lake, priceless!
 Fun shoot with lady that is helping me learn more about my passion... once in while no matter the age its okay to wear flowers in your hair :)
 Brother friend. 

 A black hat will never run out of style
Last three photos credit to Samantha, shine on girl. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1940's finest

This past weekend was full of so much fun!! Celebrated a wonderful bride and the best part was it almost all of our college girlfriends!! So it brought us right back :) there was about 20 of us girls and with the theme being flapper we all stood out with the matching head pieces!! It was a blast and we made a statement at every place we went!! One for the books for sure and now we all cant wait till the wedding!!!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soul Mates

With a friend returning home for good this week I cant help but get excited that one of my true soul mates will be on Midwest ground again.

Today we celebrate the first college friend getting married. Its odd to think how single some of us were just a few short years ago, now some about to get married, more are getting engaged, are in a serious relationship and one even pregnant! Its all so exciting and I cant constantly help but smile.

But today I will be with girls who I started a journey with almost six years ago. To me they have seen me grow so much and have been there through really hard times in my past. How could they not be my soul mates? Loving me at my worst and my best, encouraging me and rooting for me always. Ya they can/could disappoint but you move on and its right back to awesomeness. 

I guess untill maybe I meet my soul mate which probably will have bigger muscles and shorter hair, I choose them. The girlfriends who are full of life, love and clearly in the pursuit of happiness.

Cheers to Miranda's Day :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

baby your a firework

 Two of my most beautiful, real, unique, talented, funny, lovable, kind and smart BFFS I have. 
For the past six years the 4th of July comes around and each year when those beautiful, loud and colorful things light up the sky its never been romantic for me or should I say us. (insert that blonde bombshell up above). But this year we did decide to make them romantic, we included God into our conversation, while watching them and talked about our husbands. We know one summer when we celebrate the 4th the most amazing guys will be holding our hands and making the beautiful, loud and colorful things in the sky more romantic than our eyes have ever seen. 

How cool is the first pic that A's BF captured with the firework in the back... Amazballs. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

land of the free, home of the brave

 A best friend and laughter.. priceless 
 The blondie is the one who captured these festive moments :)
This shoot was a spur of the moment, we love the 4th of July so lets take some pictures. Maybe its been my whole life but I can really remember around the age of sixteen I just loved celebrating the fourth of July. I loved the atmosphere that people create, I love the colors, I love the festivities, I love the season and I love celebrating it will amazing people. My home town does it big for the fourth, so it always brings everyone back home to celebrate it. Its awesome to see that after so many years out of high school we still can all come together to celebrate the Independence of our country. My grandpa is a WWII Vet, and I am so honored to be his granddaughter. I also share my birthday with him since it is on Veterans day as well. It may just be in my blood but I will continue to celebrate my country one hundred percent for as many years as I can. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

these people

It is July first and the first part of summer has been wonderful! So many exciting things have been happening, weddings, engagements and get together are just some of my favorite things! Each person you see here has such a special place in my heart for numerous reasons. Whether they are four or almost fifty four, I am so blessed to have people in my life who continue to make me smile!