Sunday, December 9, 2012

This senior year could not have brought on more surprises. Of course I thought my friendships would grow with my dear girlfriends but I also got blessed with more! By working at Log Jam, I really have another family. Everyone is so loving and always has your back. I am so thankful for the experience and people I have there.
By turning 22 I have made the decision to not move back this summer and sign a lease with new girls since my roommates and I are all doing different things.
I will be applying to grad school this winter and praying to God that I get in to further my education to be able to help students.
I have a boyfriend. I still cant believe how much prayer, friendship, talks with your mom and talking out loud can help heal a broken heart.
This summer, I would have never guessed I would be where I am today. I have learned so much in my 21st life, it amazes me that I truly am growing into a women. I know my heart will get broken again and that I will fall in love again. But I believe that the quote above is so true. They way I fell in love with Tony is not the same way I will fall in love with Jason (if I do) its a more real relationship. I am so thankful for the relationship I had with Tony and what he taught me about myself. I am also anxious to see what mine and Jason's relationship will be like as well. God just has the most amazing plan.
Today as I was driving to my family Christmas party the sun was shining and I was singing along to songs. I caught myself smiling. I then had a conversation with myself that I am still so young and I love where I am now in my life and the people that are in it. I cant wait to take wonderful trips with my family and girlfriends. To explore this beautiful life and everything it has to offer.
Today was the first big snow fall :)
I am enjoying it with a Christmas movie and Chili!

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