Thursday, November 15, 2012

Start of 22

 My lovely Brother surprised me!
 A true best friend that came to spend the weekend
 New fabulous friends I work with
 Three of some pretty awesome blonde's I love
 Beautiful flowers from a new boy in my life :)
My roommate and also best friend just out on the town
My birthday was everything it needed to be. Full of love, surprise and relaxation. I work almost all weekends so it was great to have the weekend off! My mom, Steve and brother came to celebrate Saturday night. Jack is not of age but since my mother was there he got to drink in the bars due to the Wisconsin law :) Then my actual birthday on Sunday my dad came to make my roommates and I breakfast. I'm so thankful I can still celebrate my birthday with both of my parents!
I was showered with love my girlfriends as well and I could not be more blessed to have them in my life. We had great talks and laughs and those moments are truly treasured.
The beautiful flowers are from a boy who has made me smile a lot lately. My heart has healed for the most part from my first love. God has put these new people into my life for a special reason, I'm not going to push people away because I'm afraid of a heart ache.
I so excited for this next year of my life, it will be a year full of bitter sweet changes and I will take them all with a smile on my face. God is so good and has a beautiful life for me.

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