Sunday, July 29, 2012


 My dear best friend has finally joined the club of turning 21!!! Celebrating her all weekend :)
 two of the best friends a girl could ask for
 my other fabulous best friend since 7th grade!
 love the candid shots!
 add these two also into my other best friends.. Shout House was awesome!
a new best friend I have finally met!

After this weekend I think that concludes all the 21st birthdays!  I have helped celebrate so many its been unreal.  Now that 22 is around the corner it wont be that big of a deal any more HAHA  I am so thankful for all of the ladies in my life. I have some of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for and I feel so blessed.  They truly are my soul mates and I could not make it without them.  We have celebrated and cheers together every weekend this summer and it has been wonderful!  I cant believe August is right around the corner! Where has the summer gone? I am so excited to get back to school and make this senior year the best yet, but I will enjoy my last weekends of summer also! Looking forward to this upcoming weekend of going back to school and going out in my small college town, love.


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