Sunday, July 29, 2012


 My dear best friend has finally joined the club of turning 21!!! Celebrating her all weekend :)
 two of the best friends a girl could ask for
 my other fabulous best friend since 7th grade!
 love the candid shots!
 add these two also into my other best friends.. Shout House was awesome!
a new best friend I have finally met!

After this weekend I think that concludes all the 21st birthdays!  I have helped celebrate so many its been unreal.  Now that 22 is around the corner it wont be that big of a deal any more HAHA  I am so thankful for all of the ladies in my life. I have some of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for and I feel so blessed.  They truly are my soul mates and I could not make it without them.  We have celebrated and cheers together every weekend this summer and it has been wonderful!  I cant believe August is right around the corner! Where has the summer gone? I am so excited to get back to school and make this senior year the best yet, but I will enjoy my last weekends of summer also! Looking forward to this upcoming weekend of going back to school and going out in my small college town, love.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

a week off

I am so looking forward to this week. The main reason being.. I have it OFF! I am so thrilled. I don't know if I will do much sleeping in because I'm a girl who doesn't like to waste her day, but I will not be opposed to nap taking.

This week though Ill be spending some time with some of my best girlfriends. One I haven't seen all summer and the other my roommate. Then our good friend is flying back from New York and Friday will be a celebration for that!! I'm just so thankful I have the best gifts in the world, my girlfriends. They truly can get you through anything and its always good to take what they have to say into consideration.  There is nothing sweeter than sitting with a great friend sipping some wine or some coffee, looking fabulous in an outfit or in our pajamas. Its simply great.

I also have been having some negative feelings about my ex... but i think that's OK. We all have those days were we are either hurt, angry, sad, tearful and many more could go on to describe them, BUT with God and a good attitude you can get through them. And I do. Its all apart of Gods plan I know, the mystery of the future can be so exciting but yet hesitant also.

I pray happiness be showered over all my loved ones and we all cherish each day the Lord gives us!

Monday, July 9, 2012

fly away

Why am I falling apart now
I should be stronger than this
I get angry, sad and glad all within one minute
why do I have to cry with my dad at dinner
why cant pain and memories go away
things that made sense, start to back fire
why do i feel so weak
am I being the person I am meant to be right now
life does not slow down so its hard not to rush things
I want to run away for a week
Pray when its hardest to pray.
Ill be ok, I know that.
But its ok to be sad, shed tears and eat some ice cream in the mean time.

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July, my favorite.

Starting the 4th off right with some festive drink purchase. Had to buy it because of the bottle.
The outfit for the celebration. All purchased at the Good Will. Total is under 10 bucks SCORE.
Cooler of goods :)
Friend Sam :)
Just relaxing on Lauren's boat
Finally reached the Sand Bar!!
Water fun!
Roommate :)
Love again.
more festive wear!
The 4th was fabulous with a lot of good friends, good drinks, good about of sun, and wonderful memories! Cant believe its over! Summer is now almost half way over, so sad. I don't have many big things now so I'm looking forward to a lot of relaxing. Heading a bit North today for some more family fun and celebrating!

Cheers, XOXO