Monday, February 20, 2012

baby girl and more

A friend post this on my facebook this morning saying, this is what your little girl will look like one day.  This little girl is so precious. One thing I would change is for her to have blue eyes :) I pray my babies have a ton of hair like moi! Its a silly thing to think about, babies, at age 21 but my boyfriend told me LOVED me on Valentines day. EEKKKKKK. I love hearing him say it too. Still not use to that word, but I do love him also. And when you love someone you have to think about what your babies would look like HAHA its a girl thing, hey. Babies will not come from me for sometime, but I am so excited for when that time comes. I want a girl first but will love whatever God decides to give me first. First thing first, is to graduate college. Thats all that should be on my mind now.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Boyfriends Birthday

Happy 22nd Birthday to my wonderful Boyfriend!  This weekend was wonderful. From the cabin to the birthday celebration I hope it made you feel loved and special.  The boob cake was a success and I loved the frosting kiss after you motor boated it. Embarrassed that I'm even writing this on here. Cheers to another great year babe! XOXO

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine

Happy Valentines Day!!

 To My Valentine,
You make me smile each day, and for the first time today made me cry with tears of joy for your sweetness and thoughtfulness.  I'm so blessed to have you in my life and so excited to spend this day with you!

So wonderful.  When your really in love, I guess it never fades away and your loved one will never stop showing you even when you are walking with a cane.  I hope I have this love some day. Bless this mans heart.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

morning sunshines!

I love mornings. Plain and simple.  The best ones are when the sun is shining, it gives a kick start to my day.  Today however I woke up in my awfully cute pajamas next to a boy who makes me smile. Cheesy I know. I also love making breakfast down stairs with the roommates and having life talks about everything under the sun while a pot of hot coffee is brewing.

This semester is going very well for me so far.  I love all my classes, I got a job (just waiting to hear when I start) and going into for a twenty minute training so I can mentor a boy or girl who is in need of an extra friend.  I think by doing both of these I will be able to find where my core strengths are and if I have a passion more for adults or children.  I'm just thanking God for all these wonderful opportunities he is presenting me with.

This weekend I am heading home and am so excited to see my family.  I know they all miss me and I miss them.  I'm bringing my sweet boyfriend also and we have so many things planned. I'm so thankful I can bring him into my life and to my family.  He just clicks with them all.

P.S. The Vow comes out Fridayyy! EKKKKKK.