Saturday, December 10, 2011

its beginning to look a lot like christmas!

This weekend I am so excited about! My dads side family Christmas party and boyfriend is coming with! Never have I brought a boy for a family function before, so I am a bit nervous and excited at the same time!  He is someone so great so I cant wait to show him off.  I'm also super excited to see all of my family, because we are so big its hard to get together all the time. Especially for me because I don't live close to anyone.

Sunday we are also going to the Hollidazzle parade! Down town MSP.  This will be big for him since I don't think he has ever been to the twin cities.  Pandora has had the Christmas Station on the last few days now.  I just love the gift of giving and it will definitely mean so much more this season!

PS. New Obsession: Tea with lemon. Its crazy good.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

something amazing

Waking up bright and early just so you can lay in bed and snuggle until its really time to rush out of bed because you lost track of time and your going to be late! Well, that's me almost every morning.
I know I am cheesy, weird, constantly smiling and laughing, he never leaves my mind, missing him when I'm not with him and sometimes thinking about a long future with him scares me.  I'm only 21 and have never been in love before nor have had someone treat me this well.  I know I cant say I love him after almost 3 months but I am falling in love with him.  They say when you know you know, but I do not want to rush anything.  I have my whole life ahead of me and often I think how I would love to share it with him.

I pray all my girlfriends will find someone great one day, someone who they miss all the time and fills their life with joy. That that man never goes a day with out kissing your forehead, squeezing you tight and calling you beautiful more than once.  Here I never thought a man like this could exists.  I'm so blessed to have him in my life!

One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

Monday, December 5, 2011

were walking in a winter wonderland

Enjoyed a wonderful weekend filled with Christmas and friends!
Friday was a Christmas party and the roomies Grandparents, and Saturday was spent getting bundled up and heading out to the woods and cutting down a tree with the boyfriends roommate's!  What a wonderful way to get into the spirit of Christmas! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Today is December 1st!!

Bring on the Christmas lights, the love, the parties, the glitter, the hugs and kisses, the dresses, the fun and the drinks!

loving everything red, glittery, and the newest thing, fur :)
And for the cherry on top, opened the blinds this morning to find snow!