Saturday, September 27, 2014

The 1st from High School

Senior Prom :)

Today is the day. Samantha you are going to walk down the aisle to you best friend. I remember senior year sitting in my room rocking out to T-Swift and talking about Prom. Now we clearly had an obsession with boys but we knew our weddings were in Gods hands and not our own. You are going to make the most beautiful Bride and I am so excited to spend this day with you! To celebrate the road you two have shared, the love you will always have, and the people who will stand by your side!
Soon to go from Ms. to Mrs... I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thee Almost Mrs.

This past weekend we celebrated one of the last showers for my beautiful cousin! The more professional photos are taken by my brothers lady. She does a great job and is a good friend of the bride as well. It was a lovely mother daughter shower with all the moms! Now its 31 days and the speech is still in my brain and not on paper! 
NO WORRIES, it will happen. 

The Bride and Maid of Honor which is muah :)

My mama friend and I
The lovely Samantha who has the great eye behind the camera :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I am Enough

Now that summer had ended I cant help but reflect on the gems I have met, went on dates with and I wont lie, kiss. All unique in their own way but all could have been boyfriend material (maybe). But see the thing is the dates ended, the communication stopped almost completely on a day to day basis, and that was mutual. I do not want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me. I just kept reminding myself God put them into my life for a reason and a lesson. So due to my aunt flow that is coming the emotions that you feel just touch your heart a little deeper and last night I had a moment.

Why am I not enough?

Why am I not enough to be pursued, to be wanted everyday, to be dated, to be kissed, to laugh with. Can those men not see that or am I missing something?

Due to the "assumptions" and finding missing pieces of the puzzle expert, I know life can get  busy and people juggle many things at a time, but when does it ever slow down? Never. It never slows down.

I guess what I am trying to get at here is who is going to tell me I am more than enough, when will he come and sweep me off my feet and prove to me and all my doubts that I have ever thought. 

I know my God thinks I am more than enough, he placed me on this earth. I am just excited to see who God has in store for me and who will also prove to me I am enough, more than enough.