Wednesday, January 22, 2014

small pay checks

Today is another me day, a day off to get inspired, think, read and maybe dig through the goodwill store. I've set my date to leave a place a town I have lived in for the past 5 years. Its exciting and sad at the same time. The amount of growth and memories I have hear could never be replaced. But, that's apart of life right, we can only grow from our past. We grow into the best possible person we were meant to be and there would be no way of getting there if it weren't for our past.
2014, is the year of change for me. I feel like I have a wall up for myself with change. Being afraid of something new... settling for a life that I know I deserved so much more. More of my heart racing and my hands sweating. I'm 23... to everyone else that is super young but to me its old because I have nothing figured out yet. I keep reminding myself I am young... I have so much to look forward in this life God has blessed me with. Some of my girlfriends are planning their wedding! Golly G I cant imagine. I without a boy am focusing my time on my family and friends. Making them feel loved always until its my time. I can be patient with that.
There truly is not enough time in the day to think all the thoughts I want to think and see all the people I wish to see. I chose to have this blog as a diary, to one day look back on my twenties and see all that it has taught me. Its a nice journal to have. Its a place full of secret feelings and holds truth to things I believe in and stand for.
Yes, I am know to take selfies :) I absolutely love the 4th of July and the American flag... so why not take a picture right :) as quoted by one of my best friends: You are one of the select few who can pull of classy selfies. I applaud you and your great accomplishment. HA! I don't post them often but once in awhile.
Now I will continue on with my me day, sipping coffee in a cozy place with a handsome man sitting near me to my left :)

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