Sunday, August 26, 2012

one week of summer left

First things first, baby brother is all moved into college!! I am so excited for him and his next journey of life. Moving him in brought me back to my freshman year and now I will be a senior in college. My how time flies.  I think this place is a perfect fit for him and I cant wait to see him strive.
Second, the house I grew up in for 13 years is now sold.  My parents designed this house together and after the divorce we all knew it had to sell for money reasons and emotional reasons.  Though we have a little over a month to get everything out its bittersweet.  My dad will finally get a fresh start that I have been praying for.  Packing up 13 years and say goodbye only means I'm really growing up.  No turning back to the slumber party nights or the nights in my room that I have probably cried over every boy I have ever liked before HAHA  my roots will forever be in my home town, as my dear friend Scotti told me today... its not the home that made it great it was the people who lived there.  Very true, I hope a great family is moving in here and can continue to make more memories. I am so thankful to have grown up here.
Third, I have one week left of work then its back to school.  I am so excited and thrilled to be back.  I am so in love with my school, house and friends who are there.  Its more of a family.  Senior year... blows my mind.  I have so many goals set for myself this year that I am going to work so hard for.  Along with the "No" diet.  You cant say No when someone asks you to do something. Its the last year we will all be together in the same town and thinking about it makes me sad, but I cant think of that right now.  God has the most amazing plan for us all and though we spent four years learning, growing and discovering things about ourselves that will still continue but we wont see each other all the time. Cheers to a great year!!
Four, I got the iPhone!!!!! I am so excited for everything about it! I wanted it most for the camera because its flippin awesome. Continue to impress me iPhone.
That's all for now :) I hope this week is a great one with my parents and getting everything packed that needs to be.

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