Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This statement is becoming more and more accurate and I continue on my purposeful path in this world. Its hard for me not to give up on someone who I truly care about, putting their needs before my own and settling situations that I should of handled differently. BUT to me its all a blessing, because I am learning from each individual in my life. Weather is males or females I want to be valued. I deserve to be! This is my life, I don't want to waste it on trying to make myself happy when I can just remove the people who cause sadness or disappointment. I will learn from it and move on. Like I always say, I trust the plan God has for me and so blessed with the people I have in my life! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Be Brave

When something is stuck in your mind, a comment said by someone else, a meaningful one too by the way, you cant let it go.  It all starts with a passion, a dream and could be a career if you work for it. It all starts with a conversation and if you don't ask you will never know correct? But what if you are scared shit-less of what the answer may be.  I am a believer and their has been constant prayer for God to encourage me and for me to pray for strength in myself. I am not one to be afraid of things in life or asking questions, so why this? It may be because I have no idea what the outcome will be. I am trusting that if I never ask I will never know, and if I fail I can at least say I tried and why fear when I know God will be right there!

January has been an roller coaster of a month... figuring myself out and going through many emotions and for the first time in a long time I am keeping things to  myself. I don't think that is healthy one bit but maybe the emotions are just too wrapped around and hard to discuss. I am so thankful for my friends and what they do in my life.

Cheers to taking risks, loving the Lord and believing in yourself!

Adventures like these make me appreciate Midwest winter even more!