Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Title Town

What an adventure and experience it was to head to Green Bay! It was for my brothers birthday and kinda the last celebration for mine as well! His girlfriend and my mom attended as well!! The Pack had a great game, the snow, drinks and people were awesome! I can not wait to go back!!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Twenty-Four. A number that I am ready to reach. Over this past year I have learned a lot of things and also made the big move back home. I am striving to be the best daughter, sister, friend and worker that I possibly can be. These past months have been filled with so much joy with celebrating so many events that my friends are doing. 

I've done a lot of celebrating thus far with turning 24 so I have a feeling God is going to bless me in ways I never thought he would! Constant prayers of trusting his plan for me and bbelievinghe is in control when I feel out of control. I am excited to see what this next year will bring!! Focusing on my faith, family, friends and my career is whats most important.

PS I think I had five boyfriends after I made my wish ;) HAHA 

They all surprised me with Garth Brooks Tickets!!! Fabulous night!!

so thankful to have amazing friends!
Hats off to this Birthday party that hit the lucky town of Luck this past weekend :)