Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Sometimes being 22 can be really hard. Your at the start of your career but not fully in the job of your dreams yet. Its the time where moving back home seems so far away. Friends around you are getting engaged and you are just praying that the right guy will come along sooner than later to sweep you off your feet. Disappoints lead to merely learning experiences and we must move on without looking back. But above all things we must trust God. He shows up the gifts we grave each day, and for that we always smile.
Sun set #1
 Sun set #2
 Stephs bachelorette party!! What a fun weekend and fun girls :)
 Celebrating another Fathers Day with this man!! The day was great and I'm so blessed to honor this hard working and loving man. Cheers to you Dad.
 The cabin :) you cant go to a cabin and not find so many reasons to smile. Its a place where love is everywhere, laughs are everywhere and memories are made. Its a place also that a sweatshirt and sweats is completely acceptable!
Babysitting, at age 22 its still the best job. Hanging out with little girls who look up to you. Its also a time to bring back out your inner childhood and play to get paid. She is one of four girls and boy they can be a handful!
So, at times when you feel impatient for anything, remember everything that makes you smile! Fix that attitude and trust everything will turn out to be okay!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What I'm Loving Lately

 My workouts after work. This cool weather has made them enjoy and the nature I see.
 The Cabin. You cant go wrong at a cabin. Spending time with family and friends in sweats next to a bonfire it one priceless gift. New second cousin in my arms and his mama :)
 This weekend I will experience my first bachlorette party! Scotti's sister Steph :)! My BFF in home for some fun from TN. I get to see her about once a year so this long weekend will be such a treat!!
 Also, being home was a treat. Starbucks is just a tradition with us girls from Flake :) thank goodness we have it! We got to celebrate graduation finally together, Scotti into pharmacy school and Lauren passed her board test!! Could not be more proud and happy for my friends and their futures.
The girls got to see my dads house for the first time! Since we aren't home much its hard to see everyone and everything. But my dad treasures mine and Jacks friends so much. Here my handsome brother who I love so much and two of my best girlfriends :) I love that we all love each other!
Just wanted to post quick to keep up with my diary of life :) deeper post coming soon with the new graduated life and whats to come next!