Monday, April 27, 2015

Cheers to New Beginnings

It has been awhile since I have posted but I am looking forward to writing this post!! For the past few months my mind has been spinning about what the next move in my career should be! I am 24 and still searching and waiting for God to lead me on the right path. I started reaching out to women I know in search of some confidence to help me along the way. I made business cards and felt a wave through my body that I was on the right track! When I started sharing my news and what I was working on with my friends the support and encouragement was out standing! Knowing my friends and family think this could be my true calling and the start of something great! I submitted my cover letter and resume to a local boutique that has a growing six stores and I had the best feeling this is where I need to start. About a month process and I am now s Stylist! I have had my first day and I am so excited about my co workers and the people I will meet that will come into my store and ask for help to put an outfit together! This passion I have had my whole life, I am going to start a career with it and I couldn't be more excited. My mind has stopped spinning and I can feel God leading my in the right direction with this path. I am looking forward to this new opportunity, this summer and all the celebrations that are to come with it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This statement is becoming more and more accurate and I continue on my purposeful path in this world. Its hard for me not to give up on someone who I truly care about, putting their needs before my own and settling situations that I should of handled differently. BUT to me its all a blessing, because I am learning from each individual in my life. Weather is males or females I want to be valued. I deserve to be! This is my life, I don't want to waste it on trying to make myself happy when I can just remove the people who cause sadness or disappointment. I will learn from it and move on. Like I always say, I trust the plan God has for me and so blessed with the people I have in my life! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Be Brave

When something is stuck in your mind, a comment said by someone else, a meaningful one too by the way, you cant let it go.  It all starts with a passion, a dream and could be a career if you work for it. It all starts with a conversation and if you don't ask you will never know correct? But what if you are scared shit-less of what the answer may be.  I am a believer and their has been constant prayer for God to encourage me and for me to pray for strength in myself. I am not one to be afraid of things in life or asking questions, so why this? It may be because I have no idea what the outcome will be. I am trusting that if I never ask I will never know, and if I fail I can at least say I tried and why fear when I know God will be right there!

January has been an roller coaster of a month... figuring myself out and going through many emotions and for the first time in a long time I am keeping things to  myself. I don't think that is healthy one bit but maybe the emotions are just too wrapped around and hard to discuss. I am so thankful for my friends and what they do in my life.

Cheers to taking risks, loving the Lord and believing in yourself!

Adventures like these make me appreciate Midwest winter even more!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Welcome, 2015.

I think this has been the first year in awhile that I have been super excited about! For many reasons but for one I know that I am where I am suppose to be right now with a few nicks and crannies that need to be filled. I rang in the new year with some of the best friends ever and went another year with out a midnight kiss, but that to me does not define what my year will be like... just all the more hope for next year, right?  I am still figuring out my purpose in this world all the while trying to be the best daughter, sister, friend and employer to everyone around me.  

With my busy schedule lately and under the weather currently I have yet to write down my new years resolutions!! I think my list last year was a little long so this year I want to be able to mark them all off and have most of them be reasonable and attainable. 

1. Get a new car, for those who know what I drive... this is a long time coming. Proud of myself for already having a savings for it!
2. Continue going to my kettle bells class and keep being a healthy person
3. Volunteer at church or somewhere in the community.
4. Have 5-6 photo shoots with friends/family to continue building my photography talent.
5. Save my money better since I will have another busy summer and apart of 3 weddings this fall.
6. Find another job, more like add one to my other two that I already have. Need more money that for sure.
7. Before the new year I booked a flight to CO to visit a long time BFF and I am so excited. I will also be going to Vegas for a bach party, so visiting two new places this year! YAY

I think I will stop with that and hope God has more in store for me! I am anxious to see what this new year will bring, but most importantly I want to be HAPPY, and I think I have found the ways to avoid not being happy and focus on what does!!

PS as for the dating life... praying for one mans heart so we will see if that will happen this year or if God has someone else he wants me to meet. Trusting all of him with that decision!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

feeling the rush

Being 2-4 now have my mind wondering in a few places, when will I meet my husband that I pray for daily, when will a full time job, I will soon have to be off my parents insurance and what is the next adventure for me.  I came across this quote and it couldn't be more true. Every person in this world thinks they need to match up to some expectation. I have to remind myself always that everyone is struggling and thinking about their next step constantly. I was once told that if you had everything figured out in your twenties, whats the fun in that and what could you look forward to. I am trusting my plan is already laid out for me and God is helping direct my steps to get there. The heart aches we face and struggles are making us a better person than we were yesterday and even better for the tomorrow. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Title Town

What an adventure and experience it was to head to Green Bay! It was for my brothers birthday and kinda the last celebration for mine as well! His girlfriend and my mom attended as well!! The Pack had a great game, the snow, drinks and people were awesome! I can not wait to go back!!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Twenty-Four. A number that I am ready to reach. Over this past year I have learned a lot of things and also made the big move back home. I am striving to be the best daughter, sister, friend and worker that I possibly can be. These past months have been filled with so much joy with celebrating so many events that my friends are doing. 

I've done a lot of celebrating thus far with turning 24 so I have a feeling God is going to bless me in ways I never thought he would! Constant prayers of trusting his plan for me and bbelievinghe is in control when I feel out of control. I am excited to see what this next year will bring!! Focusing on my faith, family, friends and my career is whats most important.

PS I think I had five boyfriends after I made my wish ;) HAHA 

They all surprised me with Garth Brooks Tickets!!! Fabulous night!!

so thankful to have amazing friends!
Hats off to this Birthday party that hit the lucky town of Luck this past weekend :)